Pelican M6 upgraded?

i dont really know, would be great to know that the M6 has been upgraded..

The 180 lumens specs is there since December though.. maybe its an error since the runtime is still the same..
from a product brochure printed in 2006 stated a different lumen value. :candle:

2320 at 74lumens
2330 at 41lumens
2390 at 61lumens

The M6 2390 has indeed been upgraded to a Cree XR-E, although the bin is unknown since Pelican doesn't state it. I was at Pelican's outlet at Ubi Crescent and had a very good look at the 2390. It's definitely a cree, and because of that, the reflector has been redesigned and is now more narrow i.e. instead of the reflector running all the way to the edge of the bezel, it now ends inside the bezel like the early Fenix L/PxD lights, with a metal ring taking up the extra space (or maybe it's just the thicker wall of the LED module).
In terms of brightness, it is impressive. I compared it to my P3D Q5 on turbo (215 lumens) and it is just slightly dimmer, about the same as the L2D Q5 on turbo, so I guess it's probably close to the 180 lumens stated by Pelican. Not so impressive, however, was the price of ~S$239 (~US$160) :eeksign:. I can get a CL1H V4 1S WC Q5 for just US$76 :twothumbs, easily upgradeable when new emitters arrive, and probably just as durable as the 2390.
hi jimfwh,

thanks for the info.

SGD$239 for the 2390? haa, i got mine for much less. hehee... :nana:
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You got it online right? Where and how much? I'm not getting that 2390...just received my CL1H v4 Q5 and loving it :D
i got it from a B&M store locally at SGD$195 about 2 years back. :popcorn:

the incand Pelican M6 can be had for a good price too. well, i bought from that store before so i may get a better offer. teehee... :grin2:
my guess it that its still very new. most places in Singapore would still be having the Lux III stores.

yeah, i'll like to see the runtime graph of this new Cree bulb too.:popcorn:

pity its so expensive here in Sg, the incand host new + 3rd party upgrade goes for way less cash with an output & runtime to match! :devil:
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im a huge fan of the Pelican M6 LED. I would like to see some runtime graph too of the new 180 lumens output. But its not popular here somehow with surefire leading the way around here..
me too! :twothumbs

i have the 2330 & the 2390. i like the low feedback compared to most clickies that go *clink clunk*... :sick2:

the lack of interest is a pity.
yeah the clickies.. have a very low feedback... i like it.. very different surefire tailcap..

I have the 2330 though... I just checked with pelican that the lens is still polycarbonate.. its get scratch easily
I like the 2390 a lot...I bought one of the original offering with serial #s. I wonder if I can buy just the led module to upgrade my light?
Yeah, too bad about the polycarbonate lens. There's really no excuse not to put an AR glass lens into a light of this price. If Fenix, Dereelight, Olight, Nitecore, Surefire and other companies can put glass lenses into their lights, I don't see why Pelican can't do the same :shakehead. Plastic lenses will get scratched up through daily use no matter how careful you are.
meaning u go to like spectacles shop.. and u ask tell them that u want to buy a lens?

or u give them the M6 plastic lens and ask them to multi-coat it?

yap, to the spectacles shop, bring ur original lens to them so they know the diameter to cut. most will need about a week or 2, depending on whether its done in-house or not. :)

no point multi-coating a marred lens... :ohgeez:
i dont think they sell any LED module for the Pelican M6. If they do, it wont be a perfect fit.

The M6 did not turn out to be like the surefire 6P where there are tons of drop in module unfortunately..

Also, the new specs of M6 might not be available in UK for quite awhile..

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