Pelican Vs. Mag - Article: Cops give LED flashlights a try

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Jun 30, 2005
East Coast, USA
How about this?

Here's an interesting quote: "With LED technology in its infancy for use in flashlights, the business is up for grabs as several companies try to create the flashlight for the next generation."


Cops give LED flashlights a try

By Matt Krantz, USA TODAY
LOS ANGELES — Cops' most important piece of equipment, next to their gun and handcuffs, is getting a makeover.

A race is on to reinvent the police flashlight to take advantage of new technologies, and the results could change what's tucked in belts worn by cops across the country. It's pitting two flashlight makers in Southern California against a third, Mag Instrument, which has long dominated the market with its iconic Maglite.

The Los Angeles Police Department, often a testing ground for new law-enforcement products, just began distributing to its officers new flashlights made by Torrance, Calif.-based Pelican Products. The flashlight, called the Pelican 7060 LED, is the product of two years of research for a flashlight that's brighter than the metal ones often carried by cops and too small to double as a billy club....(article continued in link).

(Moderator note: Posted article shortened IAW CPF Rule #5 - see link for full article)
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Thanks for the article. It is funny, I also did not know leds were still in their infancy. Thats GREAT though. I can't wait to see them when they grow up if Cree is just the starting point.

The best thing about these new lights is that they will always be charged. I have seen so many dim maglights with od batteries being used by security and police.

Thanks again for the article
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$200 for that? I'd rather save a few ounces and go with a Fenix L2D Cree. If I need more light, I can tape 3 or 4 together and have a small light cannon with $$$ to spare
Big flashlights, 10 inches or longer weighing more than 12 ounces, were banned by the LAPD more than two years ago after one was used in the beating of a car-theft suspect.


If the "beating" was unjustified, then it's fault of the officer and not the light. If the need to utilize force escalates beyond hard hands, then it shouldn't matter what object the officer uses.

FWIW, I consider the pelican lights to be superior, but they look a bit too "robocop" for my tastes. I prefer Maglite's conventional knurled black appearance and the feel of the cold metal inside my hand.

If the "beating" was unjustified, then it's fault of the officer and not the light. If the need to utilize force escalates beyond hard hands, then it shouldn't matter what object the officer uses.

FWIW, I consider the pelican lights to be superior, but they look a bit too "robocop" for my tastes. I prefer Maglite's conventional knurled black appearance and the feel of the cold metal inside my hand.

Wow, where did you find this thread?
I'm going to close this rather old thread - it's a bit outdated now, and in addition, using a flashlight as a weapon has been gone over pretty thoroughly in other threads here.
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