Pen Light that defaults to brightest setting for self defense

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Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2011
[h=1]Happy Holidays everyone,

I've been a follower of CPF for some time, but have never participated in the community, so this is my first post. Perhaps some of you knowledgable CPFers can help me out.

A flashlight is a lighting tool and as such we don't talk about the use of flashlights for self defence - Norm

My top choice now is the Fenix Ld05

I want to get the preon 2, but it doesn't fit my needs. Here is why: the preon 2 has no memory function, so every time I turn the light on it will default to the lowest setting. I need a flashlight that will always default to its brightest setting when turned on. If I need to disorient someone with blinding light, I don't want to have to flip through the different brightness modes for obvious reasons.

As far as I know, the Fenix ld05 does not always default to its highest setting, but it does have memory so it can be pre-set so that the next time it's turned on it will turn on its brightest setting of 100 lumens.

Does anyone else have any other recommendations? The light must be a pen light (I like the slim footprint), must be bright enough for temporary disorientation, and must have a method to turn on its brightest setting easily and quickly (no switching through modes to get to brightest setting). The preon 2 would be perfect if there was a way to default to its brightest setting.

Thanks in advance for your valuable input.

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Derek Dean

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 14, 2006
Monterey, CA
Howdy brightfrog, and welcome to CPF,
I might be wrong (it wouldn't be the first time), but I don't think the LD05 has a memory function, so I'm pretty sure it always turns on to the medium level then goes low, then high, which means that, just like the Preon 2, it would take 3 clicks to access the high level.

I'm not recommending this next light, only bringing it to your attention. It actually seems a bit high priced for what you get, but I do think it allows you to access high from off:

There is also this one from Eagletac:

The Eagletac has a narrower beam than the Preon 2, and is available in both cool white and neutral white versions. I believe Eagletac also offers a lifetime warranty on their lights.

Good luck in your search.


Apr 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Flashlight are illumination tools - they are not intended - or recommended, for self defense. (Especially a penlight LOL!). A flashlight is so far down on my list of preferred "self defense" tools, that it barely makes the list at all.

You need to know that I have spent the better part of 20 years as a LEO involved in force-on-force training, and I will absolutely tell you there is not ONE edc-sized light that would stop me from "reaching out and touching you" if I was so inclined. Not one. I will not be disoriented. I will not be thrown into fits of uncontrollable epilectic seizures.

Oh, and that meth-head that wants to take your wallet, or stick a knife in your ribs? Well, he might not even notice you have a light at all.

Flashlights are not magic death rays, and to believe otherwise is foolish and uninformed at best, and fatal at worst. Don't believe the hype.

Besides, threads about self defense and flashlights tend to get closed pretty quickly around here.
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Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2009
I agree that a light used for self defense must come on in high with a simple, one handed click, no twisting. I also think that "pen light for self defense" is an oxymoron. My EDC which is also a self defense light is on my belt, every day, and is instantly available in a kydex holster from kytex shooting gear. A pen light does not carry easily and draw quickly like a short, fat, single CR123 light. Also 100 lumens does not provide any real blinding orientation, short or otherwise.

My light is a Nova Tac 120T and although I use it all the time for utility, is also a light that can be used for self defense situations. If I needed another self defense light it would be the HDS 170 EDC Tactical.



Apr 2, 2011
Yolo, CA
I will add that, from personal experience, a short fat CR123 light does not have any benefit of "drawing speed or ease" compared to a skinny-long flashlight. My Norvatac Storm certainly doesn't give me any added drawing ability compared to a skinny penlight. They are both not ideal for this function.
The point is that the short-fat one is not better in this regard.
You may now disregard this moot point :thumbsup: (then again, it seems you already have, since you did specify a pen-type light).


Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2009
I will add that, from personal experience, a short fat CR123 light does not have any benefit of "drawing speed or ease" compared to a skinny-long flashlight. My Norvatac Storm certainly doesn't give me any added drawing ability compared to a skinny penlight. They are both not ideal for this function.
The point is that the short-fat one is not better in this regard.
You may now disregard this moot point :thumbsup: (then again, it seems you already have, since you did specify a pen-type light).

OK, I understand your point. I showed my set up. How do you carry a penlight that allows you to draw it quickly and put it in action in a self defense mode quickly and efficiently? Not a ball busting question. If you have a way, I would like to learn. if it is in any of your pockets, shirt or pants, I don't buy it.

And, what penlight do you have that is easily operated as a self defense light? My experience is that the larger, shorter CR123 lights are easier to operate under stress. If you have a penlight and holster/carrier system that is easily drawn and operated without a need for fine motor skills under stress, I am all ears. My experience is that a penlight in a pocket is fine for EDC, but not for a self defense situation.

The OP also stated he wanted a 100+ lumen light for "blinding disorientation". Sorry. Does not work that way.
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Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2011
I don't really know how this works, but my best bet would be something like the Olight M20S-X or M21S-X. 500lumen, memory mode and instant strobe on the side switch from off. Not really a penlight though, hehe :whistle:


Newly Enlightened
Jun 22, 2011
In all seriousness, flashlights are useless for self defense unless you can use them as a striking implement.

If you really want something that provides illumination and defense your best bet would be a wooden torch. Nobody will mess with you if you have a torch cuz they'll think you're psycho. If they attack you, you can fend them off with the flame or whack them with it.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2011
Thanks everyone for all your valuable input.

I agree with many of you that a light is primarily served as an illumination tool, not for self defense, and that it won't stop someone from coming after me. However, it will buy a split second of disorientation that could give me an opportunity to either run away or deliver a blow. I'm no Chuck Norris, but I've spent enough time as a soldier to hold my own, and have the common sense to know when I'm outmatched and need to run.

I believe that most situations that lead to someone having to defend themselves can be foreseen at least a minute beforehand. Thus, eliminating the need to "quick draw" a light. We all have spidey senses, we just don't always listen to it. If I'm walking down the street with my dog at night and I see a few hoodlums down the street walking my way who look like they're searching for trouble, I'm gonna have my light in my hand, not holstered.

The Brite-strike EPLI sounds perfect for my needs. I'll do some more research on these forums to see what others think of their quality. Thanks for the helpful suggestions everyone, this community is awesome.


Dec 31, 2009
Flashlight are illumination tools - they are not intended - or recommended, for self defense. (Especially a penlight LOL!). A flashlight is so far down on my list of preferred "self defense" tools, that it barely makes the list at all. You said it quite well! I don't know where people get this idea that a light can be used for defense? If anything use the light for running away down the road.

You need to know that I have spent the better part of 20 years as a LEO involved in force-on-force training, and I will absolutely tell you there is not ONE edc-sized light that would stop me from "reaching out and touching you" if I was so inclined. Not one. I will not be disoriented. I will not be thrown into fits of uncontrollable epilectic seizures.

Oh, and that meth-head that wants to take your wallet, or stick a knife in your ribs? Well, he might not even notice you have a light at all.

Flashlights are not magic death rays, and to believe otherwise is foolish and uninformed at best, and fatal at worst. Don't believe the hype.

Besides, threads about self defense and flashlights tend to get closed pretty quickly around here.
You said it quite well!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 7, 2009
I assumed the premise for a light used in self defense situations meant a light used in conjunction with a CCW pistol. I guess I read into the question. Shane's answer says it all I think.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 4, 2010

The only way for a light to be a weapon is to be attached to an actual one ROFLMAO :D

Jokes aside, are there any penlights over a 100 lumens?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 13, 2011
Very persuasive!
Why not mount it on a tomahawk, and make it a truly striking argument! :devil:


Apr 21, 2010


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
Personally, "self-defense" flashlights are only the first line of defense. If you are interested in protecting yourself, always carry a backup, and a backup of backup, and a backup of backup of backup.

Here is my current EDC;


As you can see, I have quite a bit more to fall back on, just in case if the fool didn't get the message at the first time.

flashlight nut

Mar 14, 2010
New York
I did a quick review of the EPLI here, I agree with the others about not using a flashlight as a weapon. It should only be used as a means to buy a second or two so you can get your hands on a real weapon by either striking with it or shining it unexpectedly into an assailant's eyes. In the end though, no matter how you use it, if it works for that situation, then it was effective. As long as you do something to prevent yourself from becoming a victim.
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