I have modded P60 pill to fit into an X3 for a friend of mine. It was a hack, and would have been way better if I had used a lathe, but DX/KD sells 33mm reflectors. They actually wind up being almost 35mm when you get them, so you have to turn down the top portion to slide into the head. Additionally, the reflector base might be threaded for the older style fine-thread LED pills. If you grind/turn down the bottom of the reflector you can eventually thread the pill in just enough to keep it snug and properly focused even though the threads are different. I should have taken pictures as I was doing it but I only had a day to turn around that light. The final bit would be to lengthen the spring a bit and replace the glass if required.
If anyone doesn't want to do this work I'm in the market for a used X3 to mod myself.