Pentagonlight 9V LED Drop-in Compatibility


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2007
Does anyone know if there is a drop-in that is compatible with the Pentagon light UX300 weapon light? Since Pentagonlight is now gone, if my Xenon gives up the ghost, I have a paperweight. I have searched and no one has the Pentagonlight LED adapter. (KH-L3)

Any help would be appreciated


I emailed Pentagon regarding my PX-1 xenon light that I overly tightened and broke myself. They sent me the mailing address and said they would fix it. It's been about 5 days with them now, so I suppose they are still in business.

Pentagon lives.:twothumbs
I emailed Pentagon ....It's been about 5 days with them now, so I suppose they are still in business.

Pentagon lives.:twothumbs

I called Pentagonlight on January 20 at (650) 877-1555 and spoke with Karla. She confirmed that the company is closed and went out of business due to a court settlement.

I didn't ask if they were still repairing PentagonLight products or honoring warranties.
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I called Pentagonlight on January 20 at (650) 877-1555 and spoke with Karla. She confirmed that the company is closed and went of business due to a court settlement.

I didn't ask if they were still repairing PentagonLight products or honoring warranties.

Then inspite of being or going out of business they are still honoring warranty work. Wow, even greater company then I though.
I emailed Pentagon regarding my PX-1 xenon light that I overly tightened and broke myself. They sent me the mailing address and said they would fix it. It's been about 5 days with them now, so I suppose they are still in business.

Pentagon lives.:twothumbs

I actually sent in the same exact light for warranty today, for different reasons, of course! As bigchelis mentioned, yes, they're still honoring warranties.
Has anyone taken a broken X3 assembly apart? I looked at mine and it appears that the inner part screws into the reflector. If this is the case, I was thinking of trying to replace the center with the center section of one of the P60 sized LED drop-ins.

I have not tried to take it apart since my Xenon unit is still functioning and no replacements are available.

I have also not tried using an entire P60 sized unit in the X3 yet. I think it will be too small in both diameter as well as height/depth.
I don't think anyone has, but it sounds tempting to find out if it works. I was thinking a D36 Lumens Factory lamp or the Pila 550 lumen lamp might fit, but I don't have an X3 to find out...
The D36 was the first thing I thought of but the X3 reflector diameter is around 33mm and the D36 is 36mm.

I have a D26 style drop in for a SF light. The LED module will unscrew from the reflector. I figure the LEDs are standard between the D26 and D36 which is why they are removable.

Once my X3 bulb burns out I will attempt to take it apart.

Is there any chance that the X3 head assembly is interchangable with some other flashlight brand?

I have the feeling that any potential mod will have to be weighed against the cost and reliability of buying a new LED flashlight.
If you can machine the head to 33mm it might fit... the only question remaining is if the head will screw all the way down.

If I had access to such equipment I would do it!:D
I have modded P60 pill to fit into an X3 for a friend of mine. It was a hack, and would have been way better if I had used a lathe, but DX/KD sells 33mm reflectors. They actually wind up being almost 35mm when you get them, so you have to turn down the top portion to slide into the head. Additionally, the reflector base might be threaded for the older style fine-thread LED pills. If you grind/turn down the bottom of the reflector you can eventually thread the pill in just enough to keep it snug and properly focused even though the threads are different. I should have taken pictures as I was doing it but I only had a day to turn around that light. The final bit would be to lengthen the spring a bit and replace the glass if required.

If anyone doesn't want to do this work I'm in the market for a used X3 to mod myself.
I have two X3 lights. One as a weapon mount and another hand held. My handheld burned out a while back and I've been conserving the other since I can't get bulbs. I really like the way it works on my rifle, but I don't use it as much as I'd like since I don't want a second useless light.

If one of you most knowledgeable modders can direct me, I'd like to refit the dead one with LED. I have a good amount of mechanical and electrical ability, but have done no work on flashlights.

Let me know what you think is the best approach adn I'll be happy to document the transition and post it here for the rest of those who like this light.

I see after some searching that gallonoffuel has done this mod. I'm looking into the pieces he lists in the related threads. Once I get things rounded up, I'll see what I can accomplish. I'll let you know!

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