Pila Codex- Updated with Beamshots!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 11, 2006
UPDATED May 02, 2007- Please scroll down this post to see updated review and pics, Thanks!

Is it just me or is no one excited about the new Pila Codex module coming out very soon?:huh2: I searched this board up and down and there's only 2-3 posts about this... am I alone? I hope not!!!:candle:

I contacted JSBurlys about the Codex and he says it'll be in stock sometime in March... I can't wait.:toilet:

When this awesome piece of technology comes out I'm going to pounce on it like a ravenous cat! I'm so excited about it... I need it.:lolsign:

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Re: Pila Codex

I'm interested too! I just recently purchased the GL-2 and really do like everything bout that light!
Re: Pila Codex

It's official, the Codex 2 is coming out at the end of March; the Codex 3 and 4 mid-April. I have been looking at JSBurly's, Pila's and Bugoutgear's websites every day now to see when it will be released, but the day will finally come to fruition... I've been waiting for this for so long...:xyxgun::rock::drool:
Re: Pila Codex

Look up Indium Smart sometime.

They were going to release the codex's one at a time but apparently changed their mind. All three are going to come out at one time next week.
Re: Pila Codex

I just purchased one from JSBurlys. I'll write a mini review as soon as I get it!

JonSidneyB said:
Look up Indium Smart sometime.

They were going to release the codex's one at a time but apparently changed their mind. All three are going to come out at one time next week.

Yeah I definitiely want an Indium Smart, but right now I can't shell out $350 all at once (Note: if I could I would!!!🙂). I guess I'm doing it one at a time with the codex.=P
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Re: Pila Codex

I just got the Codex 3 this morning in the mail from JonSidneyB, and as usual he gave lightning fast shipping. It only took 2 days to get to my house from his, so I'm beyond happy!:drool: When I opened the package it came in a plain white box, minus the fancy black paper Pila usually wrap their boxes in (I'm not complaining, though).:popcorn:

The Codex itself was wrapped in red bubble wrap. The first thing that came to my mind was "how can you program this thing with three buttons?!", but I remembered you can also program digital watches in a similar fashion. As I installed it on my GL3 I noticed there was no lube on the O-rings, so I applied some Nyogel to them (for whatever reason this isn't unusual for factory Pila flashlights (in this case I can understand because the O-rings were exposed). I turned the flashlight on and the LCD screen on the Codex lit up in a pretty blue color (cool!). After a second or two the light turned on as usual and the LCD read "6P" (it turns out the "6P" stands for "bypass", or "bP'. At first I thought this was a strange reference to the SF 6P! lol:wtf:

As per usual with any cool new gadget I immediately wanted to start programming it, but I didn't know how to get it to work! lol I immediately started reading the instruction manual, and step by step I started to learn how to program it. It's actually a fairly easy process, holding the main switch for five seconds gets you to the programming screen, from which you can select one of four (a, b, c, or d) settings. What I like about the Codex is there are selectable light intensities, 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 99%. I programmed mine so a, b, c and d correspond to 0%, 25%, 50% and 75%, and since bypass mode is already 100%, it all works out! Now I don't have to reach all the way back to turn my light on and off, a simple push of the button does the job.:twothumbs I think most Pila owners can relate to the difficulty of depressing the tactical tailcap switch.

If I had to be picky there are a few things I pointed out, both factual and opinionated-

-The Low Battery Warning with automatic power reduction isn't working with the Pila Li-ion rechargeable batteries for some reason, I don't have a clue why. However there is an interesting quirk, the light lasted about 20 minutes longer than it would've without the Codex. Strange.

UPDATE: The manufacturers told me this behavior is actually normal when using the Pila Li-ion Rechargeable batteries, that the low battery indicator would come on very briefly. I guess it's a quirk they have to figure out, for now I'll have to see when the batteries are low the old fashioned way. I'll have to try it out with CR123's when I get some in the future.=)

-When Pila stated you can cycle through the light intensities, I was under the impression this can be accomplished by simply pushing the arrow buttons. While it's true that I can program the light to do this, it takes up all four program sequences. In this instance it leaves me no room for further programming.

-I think the light intensities (25%, 50% and 75%) weren't as bright as I think they should be, specifically from 25% to 50%. They kinda looked the same to me. Of course this is my subjective opinion, check out the beamshots below and you be the judge.

Here are a few photographs, this is my first time doing this so you'll have to bear with me:

Codex 3 LCD screen on:


SF 6P & GL3


SF 6P & GL3 w/Codex


Comparing the Codex variable light output to the 6P, I know these aren't the best comparison shots but my house isn't very big:

25% Output w/Codex


50% Output w/Codex


75% Output w/Codex


99% Output w/Codex


Here are a few night shots:









Again these are my first beamshot pics, I tried my best. I did all of this on dial-up so I admit I'm pretty proud of myself.🙂

Hope you enjoyed my review,

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Re: Pila Codex

Actually I was involved in a project to make the worlds most advanced flashlight that had design features to try and avoid going obsolete. 6 of these programable flashlights were made. The cost of development was staggering due to the time in which it was done and location. This was a double wammy as I took a huge chunk out of my life and my pocket on a project before that. The first internally protected RCR123.


The Indium was just to expensive to make it with all the details we stuck in it. We wanted everything and the kitchen sink in it. We are still keeping some things secret because I would like to try and implent some of these things in another light someday. The list you see for features of that light is actually incomplete.
Re: Pila Codex


I'm using the 9V Xenon bulb.


Are there any Indium Smarts left for purchase?
Re: Pila Codex

Are any of the 6 prototypes for sale? Although I currently don't have the funds I'd be interested in purchasing one, how can I contact Angus?
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Re: Pila Codex

Angus might not let any go for this reason. There is alot of things in there that no one else has done yet in a flashlight. If it is possible to more forward he wants to be albe to have them in quanitity so things dont get copied while he is building up speed. This project cost more then I have would normally earn in 5 years.

The reason I am poor today is because I got involved in trying to do something else first that no one wanted to take . I suspect I will be paying for one project most of my life.
Very nice review, dudemar. Thanks for sharing.

And, yes, I see a lot of the stuff that was in the Indium Smart has been implemented in the CODEX module.
nice review, dudemar!

I'm interested in your perceptions and impressions on using an incan on less than full power. A great many members have "issues" with the very low color temp of a cut back incan. Personally, I think it's a great feature. I had an incan that had electronic control of brightness on a continuous adjustment from 0-100% and enjoyed it.

How do you think you'll be using the Codex?
I got mine, mixed feelings, I like it but I'd really want it to be better.

I wrote this list of things that can be improved in upcoming Codex versions. Hope some Pila engineer reads it someday...

- Try to keep momentary activation when pressing the tailcap switch, losing momentary activation is a big problem.
- Eliminate the annoying flash when the light is turned on for the first time.
- More programs, 4 is not enough, if you want 4 brightness levels you have no strobe no special modes, etc
- More than 9 frames per program so you can write a morse message of more than 2 or 3 characters.
- Allow the user to select the program with the arrow buttons and activate it with the main button instead of cycling, so we can go to program 28 without going thru 27 clicks and 27 programs. For example a LEO can select 50% mode,turn the light on and pre-select the strobe mode and in case of need just press the codex button to go directly to strobe.
- To create strobes it needs better precision than 0.1 seconds, 5 hertz is not enough for a good disorienting strobe.
- More brightness levels, specially modes below 25%, 25% is just too much if you only need a locator flash or something to read for hours in the dark. It ruins night vision.
- Let the user decide if the program cycles or stays on in the last frame, if the last frame is 0% then the light turns off after the program is executed, if the last frame is "forever" then the light stays in that mode. (See next point)
- A good way to make it even more flexible would be to let the frame be a "goto" to a given frame, a goto frame 1 would mean cycle as in the current codex, a goto to the current frame means stay in that mode indefinitively, and you can jump to a frame in the middle, in this way you can for example make a program to be 50% for 2 hours and then blink for 3 hours and then turn off.
- Extended times for frames, for example I could want a program with 25% brightness for 2 hours and then 1% brightness constant-on. This would be great in camping to go to sleep, you can read for 2 hours and then if needed find the light in the dark without wasting battery power.
