Pila IBC Too Flimsy? Considering Triton2/ZX


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
Picked up two IBC chargers, took shipment of them this afternoon. Two of the threaded spacers on one of the chargers fail to fully thread down. Regarding both chargers, the contact springs do not hold the battery tight, adding a battery to the charger while another battery is charging oftentimes resets the first. Annoying to always have to hit reset when inserting batteries. I miss the WF-139 :mecry:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 8, 2007
Los Angeles
So now I am considering a Triton2 for my charging needs. Will only be charging AW protected 17500/17670/18650 and C cells, but cannot find a proper FAQ, or walkthrough regarding how to best charge these cells. Rummaged through a few CPF posts and this is what I have gathered:

1. Use LiPo mode to maximize capacity at the expense of lifetime charging cycles.
2. Use a cell balancer to ensure cells charged in parallel (five cells max for the Triton2) are charged at the same rate.
3. Avoid charging magnets as they add resistance to a series of cells (if charged in such a manner).
4. The upcoming Triton ZX and not the Triton2 is the charger to purchase.

And that is about it. How to align cells in a series to charge them without magnets? Tape the cells together and the probe leads to the +/- ends? Is there a more elegant solution? Is the Triton Thermal Probe necessary, or will an IR thermometer work just as well? Does the ZX have an internal balancer like the Shultze chargers (was considering, but overkill for simply charging batteries). What is a good balancer for the Triton2? Am I missing anything else?
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Nov 5, 2005
Honestly, I never had a problem with my Pila IBC, nor the spacer threads or spring tension. I have two of them, and still use them.

Regarding your Triton question, I have used the Hyperion, but Triton is a respected brand. Don't know about that latest model, probably check the RC Groups forum for more specifics.

Regarding the charging problem, that is what spawned us looking for charging cradles and these two modding threads.

Thread #1

Thread #2