Pila IBS stopped working


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 18, 2006
Back in Santa Cruz
Hey folks. About a month ago my Pila IBS stopped working. The charging indicator lights won't turn on at all. Has this happened to anyone here? I'm waiting for a reply from Pila about this.
Do you still get 6 volts out of the wall wart when it's disconnected from the charger, so you know it's not that? I show 6.15V on mine when it's plugged into the AC but not the charger. (I assume you mean IBC).
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Try a different LiIon. Sometimes the IBS will not want to charge a LiIon that has been discharged well below 3.0 volts.

I've tried every li-ion cell I have, and it won't charge anything. The lights that are usually on and blinking when it is plugged in will not turn on at all.
I've tried every li-ion cell I have, and it won't charge anything. The lights that are usually on and blinking when it is plugged in will not turn on at all.

I suppose you've tried wiggling the wall wart cord around while it's plugged in? I've had various wall wart devices where, because they're used a lot (plugged and unplugged) the cord breaks internally, resulting in an apparent dead unit, when really, it's just a bad cord.

Just a thought.

Try it in another electrical outlet too.

Do other chargers work off that outlet ?

Test the output of the wall-wart with a DMM .