The GL4 is a much bulkier light than the Tiablo. The GL4, from what I have seen, just comes with a 12V lamp assembly that is under-driven when you use a pair of 18650s in it. The list of features at seems to suggest that it comes with a 300 lumen alternative bulb for use with 18650s, but from what I remember reading everywhere else, is that it's just the 12V bulb being under-driven to 300 lumens on 18650s, so you might double check that,... Now, the GL4 does support LumensFactory D36 bulbs, a quick fix to this can be made by installing a EO-9L, rated 450 bulb lumen, not bad at all

I'm not sure how Pila measures lumens, in my experience it seems to be somewhere between torch and bulb lumens. On the other hand, if the version from flashlightz does come with a separate lamp for use with 2x18650, then the LF bulb may not be a noticeable improvement. Just don't accidentally put 4 CR123s back in the light after switching to the "7.2V" lamp assembly or

Before I continue, let me say that the GL4, from everything I have heard, is a VERY solidly built light, everything Pila makes is built like it was designed to be dropped from the upper atmosphere and free fall for 5 minutes and land on asphalt

It would be a solid choice but there are other thoughts I must share.... Oh.. did I mention I can get kind of long winded... bare with me.. lol...
The Tiablo A9 uses buck style regulation circuitry that is optimized for input voltage form ~6-9V. It will run on an 18650, but will have steadily declining output through the run. (unregulated output).
The Tiablo A8 would be the smarter option if you plan on using an 18650 in it as it will stay in regulation though the run, it has buck/boost style regulation compatible with ~2.5V-6V power sources.
If I were personally trying to pick out a light in the category of 1x18650 powered LED throwers, I think I would be leaning in the direction of the DereeLight DBS. This is mostly personal preference but as I understand it does have a slightly larger reflector and will have slightly better throw, as long as we are in the game for throw, might as well go all the way right

I think the driver in the DBS also pushes the LED a little harder, and there are more configurations of the DBS available to suit your specific preference for multiple levels, single level, or continuously variable output, etc... DereeLight also has built up their "platform" on the basis that once you buy a light, it should be upgradable in the future, they have semi-standardized on a "pill" that the LED sits on, in the future, upgrading to a higher efficiency emitter or new configuration of levels options is cheaper than replacing the entire light. I should point out that there is nothing wrong with the Tiablo, I have heard plenty of positive things about their build quality. I've heard they use some pretty high end aluminum compared to most lights. So the Tiablo is nothing to sneeze at
If you are willing to have a light the size of a GL4, here's a couplefew alternatives worth considering for various reasons.
1. LumaPower MRV with 18650 extension tube. (this makes it a 2x18650 size light like the GL4, but with a power efficient LED and tight throwing beam). I'd personally not recommend the standard MRV (1x18650) quite as much because it regulates like the A9, working best with higher input voltages (6-9V). The MRV won't have quite the oomf of the DBS as I understand, but the larger format with the 2 18650 cells offers massive runtime. The runtime combined with it's good throw and overall output would make this a great all around utility light that could be at home doing anything from lighting a room during a power outage for a few hours to search and rescue work to spotting addresses on houses.
2. For ~$10 more than the GL4, you can get a complete Wolf-Eyes M90 rechargeable kit that includes a free Lumens-Factory HO-9L lamp assembly. In the future you could add another cell with the 18650 extender, and use a LumensFactory EO-13 700 lumen bulb. There are lot of other combinations of the M90 available that should be looked at (9V setups, 13V setups, LED setups, etc etc.). If I had to choose between the GL4 and a M90 from wolf-eyes, I think I would have to go with the M90 because it seems like there are more configurations options and a lot of support on the wolf-eyes side, meaning more upgrades and modules and extenders and things to play with in the long run. Wolf-Eyes and pila were originally the same company as I understand it, they split and now specialize in different things. My personal feeling is that Wolf-Eyes has taken the edge in many areas, and as a results of their large base of followers, they are very hip to bring the latest technology and innovation to the market. To make many of the available configurations cheaper to put together, mike over at has the options to buy individual pieces of the puzzle for legoing up a M90 or other light. You can source your protected li-ion cells from AW to save a few dollars, or pick up a Pila IBC charger if you want to have a nicer charger with your "kit" from somewhere else.
3. I might think of more, check back here later, might edit them in.