Pila or Wofl Eyes charger?


May 29, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
The Pila does 0.6A per channel, the Wolf Eyes does up to 1.5A per channel.

My question is, does the 4-stage charging of the Pila add any real life positive effects? Does the Wolf Eyes charger also trickle charge?

Also the Wolf Eyes charger actually shows 0.3-1.5A cahrge current, how does the charger know/decide what charge rate to use?
Hello Splunk Au,

Those chargers use different termination voltages...

The Wolf Eyes charger terminates at about 4.5 volts, or when the cells protection circuit trips. If your cell does not have a protection circuit, this will result in greatly reduced life, and possibly rapidly venting with flame.

The Pila IBC charger terminates at 4.2 volts. The older Pila chargers were similar to the Wolf Eyes charger.

Neither charger actually trickle charges. The description about the Pila IBC was a poor attempt to describe the CV portion of the CCCV charge. The Pila IBC follows the proper charge algorithm for Li-Ion cells.

Hello Splunk Au,

If a cell has been over discharged and it's resting voltage is below 3.0 volts, the charger charges at a lower rate until the voltage rises above 3.0 volts.
