Flashlight Enthusiast
Time ago I purchased a bunch of cheap seoul MTEs at DX for giving away and experimenting, this post is about the later 
Replaced the seouls with luxeon III red green & blue and kept the drivers
You can see how colors blend into yellow, magenta, cyan and white!
One thing I noticed about this flashlight is that the orings aren't the proper size, the right ones are a little bigger, the same size as the E-series tailcap (parker 2-015)
My kid will be happy
Replaced the seouls with luxeon III red green & blue and kept the drivers
You can see how colors blend into yellow, magenta, cyan and white!
One thing I noticed about this flashlight is that the orings aren't the proper size, the right ones are a little bigger, the same size as the E-series tailcap (parker 2-015)
My kid will be happy