Please be careful outdoors in rural areas

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And we laughed, and laughed...Oh, you're serious? GTFOOH

Laugh all you want to, but first I dare ya to camp a night at Taylor Mississippi- a known hotspot for a certain type. If you survive the night send us all a pic of your recent gray hair that wasn't gray before that trama. The LBL was a hotspot in the past and mighy still be. A family of four were killed there. They are in every state. If you take me up on my dare and come out alright (in Taylor) I will buy you the flashlight of your choice, but you have to prove you were there all night long- maybe a record of your cell phone pings? But...if I'm right you owe me the one of my choice. I'm serious- you game?
The people of Taylor won't talk about it, but there is a saying- never NEVER go to Taylor Mississippi at night.
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im a old man i try not to laugh at others unless there jerks . im lucky cpf has no jerks
Loup-garou anyone?

Not these. These are quite different and are mainly the wild unchipped ones. These things are natural in nature, but I think many get possessed somehow. Urban legends and folklore do have a wee bit of truth to them, but as gossip and tales get passed down through the generations they get distorted and the rejected by a civilized society.
I want to pause and wish you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving and please be careful while driving. Auto accidents have taken more lives than anything.
Time to bail out of this thread...

Nooo, not yet- I have sooo much more bull to feed ya, but maybe I'm serious or maybe I'm just a gullable blonde and you can laugh at my stupidity. You be the judge. I do wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
Do you all really think I'm smart enough to make this stuff up? I've had some experiences that I haven't shared here. Not sure if I need to- no offense though and I'm not talking about some of the other stuff I shared in another part of the forum (I might have deleted that stuff though). The main thing is I want to warn you all. What is it all? Tulpas, the nephillion making a comeback? Maybe a little of both in different packages? People are behind this the they are still the most dangerous critter out there when they will to do bad things and even become possessed. I'd rather deal with a monster than that local family I mentioned earlier, but monsters don't really exist right?
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i belive your very smart i also bleive your story. as a kid both me and my sister saw a ufo right out side are window
God bless you raggie33. People used to say I'm booksmart, but lack common since. That was when I was a teen.
What you just said about the ufo, I believe you.
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What is it all? Tulpas,

I`m kinda glad you mentioned that, since thought forms can be made manifest, However... unless you`re a vibrational match for such things, it`s not a problem! ;)
it`s basic `Law of Attraction` 101
if you walk around Expecting bad things to happen, then they will, if you walk around like a victim you`re more likely to be attacked etc... because you Attract it to yourself, unwittingly or otherwise.

mankind has been inventing gods and demons and boogey men since time began and they`re Still at it! LOL it`s quite funny really because if you were Slavic it would probably be Baba yaga on the loose! instead of Bigfoot or some boogey man :D
I'm glad you said those things Katherine and I agree with you 100%. These things have manifested themselves to a lot of people when they were down- maybe at a lower vibration from a divorce, death in the family or a breakup of a toxic relationship. I believe there are several different cryptids out there. Some are natural, some are supernatural and cunjured up (hellhounds...etc) and some are a combination of both like the Navaho skinwalker and the wendego.
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