Please help me get Binselection for Lumileds


Newly Enlightened
Oct 26, 2005
Hello compadres,
I need to get hold of some old (before 2002) binnin and labeling documentation from Lumileds. Does any one out there have these?

But what I need to get is the actual binning code documents for lumileds from the end of 2001-march 2002.

They promoted a new bin system the 15th of April 2002
I think I may have what you need here.

If not, this is a copy and paste from an eBay auction where I bought some Luxeon stars:

The first letter - it will be one of these letters M N P Q R - is the flux. "Flux" refers to BRIGHTNESS. The minimum and maximum Photometric Flux is rated in Lumens (LM). The higher lumen leds, (Q's) and the scarce R bins are preferred, so they sell for more than the lower brightness bins.
Bin Code.........Minimum LM............Maximum LM
The 2nd character will be a 1 digit number - either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 - this is the CCT number. CCT "Correlated Color Temperture", in this case, refers to the "color" of the white light in "degrees Kelvin". Noon on a sunny day is about 5500 "degrees Kelvin". See this reference - for more details. This chart gives us the minimum and maximum dominant wavelengths of the light emitted from the white Luxeons. As you can see, the 3 and 4 codes are the ones preferred my most buyers. Thus, the cost for 3 and 4 bins is higher.
Bin Code.............Minimum..................Maximum....................Apparent color when using a reflector or optics.
1............................4500.........................5000.......................Commonly referred to as "puke green"
2............................5000.........................5500.......................Slighty green
3............................5500.........................6000.......................Referred to as "center code white" or daylight white.
5............................7000.........................8000.......................Purple tinge
The 3rd character is a critical one. This is the Vf "forward voltage" factor. If you over voltage a led, you can damage it. At this time, there are 7 levels or "ranges"of voltage for the 1 watt Luxeons. The following list is what you use to determine the maximum voltage that you should run for a particular LED. Running at a LOWER voltage does not damage the led. It just does not produce as much light. E, F and G bins are very very rare. They make GREAT 2 cell flashlight leds! The LOWER the Vf, the more efficient the led. A "H" bin can be used in a 2 cell application with no dropping resistor or electronic voltage controlling circuit.
Bin code................Min to Max Vf
E...........................2.31V to 2.55V
F...........................2.55V to 2.79V
G..........................2.79V to 3.03V
H..........................3.03V to 3.27V
J...........................3.27V to 3.51V
K.........................3.51V to 3.75V
L..........................3.75V to 3.99V
The maximum current draw should fall between 300Ma and 350Ma. 350Ma is the maximum that we recommend, though some other folks run up to 375Ma or higher. And they burn them up. You may use resistors to lower the voltage to the required levels. Heat sinking can be VERY important when "overdriving" leds.
The 4th digit is the color. W is White.
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Thanks for the help again, but this documentation is a copyright 2003, what I need is the same type of documentation but for 2001-2002.