Please rate beam quality of this $10.78 light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 11, 2009
Colorado, USA
On a scale of 1 to 50, please rate the quality of this beam shot. If you like, you can give separate ratings for spot, spill, smoothness, tint, overall quality, etc. Picture taken with the light at a distance of 1m. from the wall, angled upwards slightly - emitter is a Cree XR-E. Thanks for your time.

BTW, diameter of the spot is about 9in., and the spill is about 50in.

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Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

It looks pretty good to me. No artifacts, decent tint, bright spill. The hotspot is a little too defined for my liking but that is just personal preference. I say maybe 45 out of 50.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

About 45. The hotspot's wider than I like, but otherwise perfect. (To the extent I can tell from a 448x336 jpeg, and assuming the tint isn't objectionable.)
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

Thanks guys, you're great. lovecpf
A lot has been written about the LF3XT's beam quality. Can someone compare this with the LF3XT? I'm trying to get a feel for what is considered good beam quality.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

Pretty good beam quality IMHO. I'd give it a 45/50 (Malkoff M60 being a 50/50 score). Color tint looks a little green though.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

That's pretty darn smooth. I'd give 45/50.

WHAT FLASHLIGHT IS THAT? I want to have one.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

I have to go along with everyone else and say 45/50.I would like a little more spill but the fact that it is artifact-free really does it for me.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

It's a throwy beam for sure. To someone desiring a throwy beam, that would possibly rate a 45+, for throw. And it's relatively free of artifacts, which scores well. However, the color looks a bit green for my liking.

For general use, I prefer a less throwy light. I like throw for specific applications where that's what I NEED, but not so much in a general purpose light.

For general purpose use, I'd rate that beam about a 35/50 for pattern, 35/50 for color, and 45/50 for lack of artifacts.

For general mixed-use applications, I prefer lights that have a wider central beam with a much more gentle, gradual, and smooth transition into a bright-ish spill. What I'm describing is what you will find with the LF3XT. I am among those who consider the LF3XT to have a near perfect beam pattern (for general use), excellent color, and relative freedom of artifacts.

The beam in the example above is not like that of a LF3XT.
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Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

Big points for appearing to not have the dreaded cree rings. If it were in a better tint (say 5A) it'd be a soild 48/50 to me. Now add in a corona around the hot spot and you'd have my ideal light. Sadly, just a thing doesn't seem to exist. The closest I've found in real life are the warm Malkoff modules.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

It's a throwy beam for sure. To someone desiring a throwy beam, that would possibly rate a 45+, for throw. And it's relatively free of artifacts, which scores well. However, the color looks a bit green for my liking.

For general use, I don't want a throwy light. I only like throw for specific applications where that's what I NEED, but not in a general purpose light.

For general purpose use, I'd rate that beam about a 35/50 for pattern, 35/50 for color, and 45/50 for lack of artifacts.

For general mixed-use applications, I prefer lights that have a significantly wider central beam that very gently, gradually, and smoothly transitions into a bright-ish spill. What I'm describing is what you will find with the LF3XT. I am among those who consider the LF3XT to have a near perfect beam pattern (for general use), excellent color, and relative freedom of artifacts.

The beam in the example above is not like that of a LF3XT.

Thanks for the insight. I took a look at the review of the LF3XT here:

The LF3XT definitely has a larger/wider spot and brighter spill compared to the other lights in the review. I think mine is pretty close to the 120P and Horus - the others appear to be ringy.

The tint is less green than it appears - my simple P/S camera probably does an auto white balance (and auto exposure) that shifts it towards green. I need to get a digital camera with manual exposure settings.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

Maybe I missed it, but what light are we looking at?
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

The LF3XT hotspot is not so defined with a nice transition into the spill. The spill is also brighter.
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

I would like a little more spill, but it's a very nice beam with no artifacts or halos. I would give it a 42 out of 50
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

48 out of 50. It has a perfectly formed hotspot with a very nice wide spill circle. I see no rings, no artifacts, and no decreasing layers of brightness in the spill.:)
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

I am waiting on my lux meter to arrive to get some readings of this light. In the meantime, here are some numbers courtesy of old4570:

Ultrafire RCR123A 3.7v Fully Charged
Hi - 0.75A - 3300Lux @ 1 meter .
Med - 0.29A - 1200Lux
Lo - 0.11A - 500Lux
Re: Please rate beam quality of this LED light

So no one knows what light is producing that beam? No fun! :p

I'll give the beam 40 out of 50.
How about a shot of the actual emitter/reflector. I'm thinking you don't have a CREE XR-E there... well at least not one before SSC got a hold of it.
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