PLEASE.... tell me more about the Surefire E2e


Feb 16, 2007
A Little Red Dot 1 degree North of the Equator
I have been focusing on cheap SF lights like the G2 and 6P and totally neglected this one till today..

Ran into it on the forums and looks to be totally kicka$$.. a search drew up blanks... stupid search engine..

Can you all tell me more about this light??

1. I understand SF uses a mean lumens of sorts to rate their lights.. I take it to mean that this one is putting out close to 80-100 bulb lumens? Just to get my perspective right?

2. Will it really last 85 min? What happens after that? Is it 85 min at 60 lumens and then it just goes off or what? What is the ouput curve like on this one?

3. Will it run on 2 CRC-123A? or a single 18650 or 17670? How do the different cells affect the brightness and the output curve??

4. How is the throw on this light?

I would most appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of a review or beamshots of this light.. It looks to be one fantastic SF light for the price and totally EDCable..

Help please.. I need more info on it!!!!!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant:

look at their runtime charts, you'll see what happens.

FYI, when lithium powered flashlights are used normally (on/off on/off, etc, as opposed to being left on for the whole runtime test) they will die instantly when their batteries are dead, not really a warning.
jayhackett03 said:

look at their runtime charts, you'll see what happens.

FYI, when lithium powered flashlights are used normally (on/off on/off, etc, as opposed to being left on for the whole runtime test) they will die instantly when their batteries are dead, not really a warning.

Interesting information. I did not know that.
Tessaiga said:
I have been focusing on cheap SF lights like the G2 and 6P and totally neglected this one till today..

Ran into it on the forums and looks to be totally kicka$$.. a search drew up blanks... stupid search engine..

Can you all tell me more about this light??

1. I understand SF uses a mean lumens of sorts to rate their lights.. I take it to mean that this one is putting out close to 80-100 bulb lumens? Just to get my perspective right?

2. Will it really last 85 min? What happens after that? Is it 85 min at 60 lumens and then it just goes off or what? What is the ouput curve like on this one?

3. Will it run on 2 CRC-123A? or a single 18650 or 17670? How do the different cells affect the brightness and the output curve??

4. How is the throw on this light?

I would most appreciate it if someone could point me in the direction of a review or beamshots of this light.. It looks to be one fantastic SF light for the price and totally EDCable..

Help please.. I need more info on it!!!!!!!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant:
Now with the new Lumens Factory bulbs for the SureFire E series, you MANY options of batteries and bulb combinations.

With these new bulbs, you may run two primaries, two RCR123 3.7v or one 17670 li-ion or Pila.

Check it out:

And BTW, the E2e is a GREAT light, get one and you'll not regret it.

Outdoors Fanatic said:
Now with the new Lumens Factory bulbs for the SureFire E series, you MANY options of batteries and bulb combinations.

With these new bulbs, you may run two primaries, two RCR123 3.7v or one 17670 li-ion or Pila.

Check it out:

And BTW, the E2e is a GREAT light, get one and you'll not regret it.


Just keep in mind that Lumens Factory does rate their lumens high compared to Surefire. There is a visable difference, but IMO, it's not as huge or dramatic as the numbers would suggest.
Get one! You won't be disappointed. I could probably do away with most of my lights after getting my E2e. I carry either it or my E1e with me 99% of the time.

If you want to go the rechargeable route, do like the others said here and take a look at the Lumens Factory bulbs. They are top knotch quality.

If you want longer runtime, you may try a MN02 lamp. It is a bit dimmer than the stock lamp, but is rated at two hours runtime. It is a very useable brightness.
Patriot36 said:
Just keep in mind that Lumens Factory does rate their lumens high compared to Surefire. There is a visable difference, but IMO, it's not as huge or dramatic as the numbers would suggest.
Yep, I'm not a noob. Even though they use bulb lumens, the Lumens Factory EO series are still brighter and whiter than the SureFire MN03. Not to mention they have much better quality (aluminum VS plastic). Also, most LF lamp assemblies are more efficient that the stock SureFire lamps.
I too recommend getting SF.E2E along with a few LA samplings from Lumens Factory. That's what I have and am using. Not dissappointed here.

Tessaiga, if you want a pocketable, bright incan light with (a) a flat output curve, and (b) decent throw, then seriously consider the SF A2.

It costs twice as much as the E2e, but it's well worth it. Just ask any Flashaholic who's owned both.

The A2's "regulation" is unique to incans, and the E2e can only match the A2's output for about the first 15-20 minutes. Also, the A2's additional low-output LEDs are are very practical bonus.

If runtime is a big priority, then consider the E2e... PLUS the optional KL1 LED head. Or, just get the E2L. I've been using both my A2 and E2L for EDC the past year. Both are good, but I find the A2 is better for OUTSIDE uses where ambient light sometimes washes out the E2L (or the regular E2e... when it's on less-than-fresh batteries).
Outdoors Fanatic said:
Yep, I'm not a noob. Even though they use bulb lumens, the Lumens Factory EO series are still brighter and whiter than the SureFire MN03. Not to mention they have much better quality (aluminum VS plastic). Also, most LF lamp assemblies are more efficient that the stock SureFire lamps.

TO TESSAIGA, who isn't quite as seasoned as Outdoors Fanatic;Just keep in mind that Lumens Factory does rate their lumens high compared to Surefire. There is a visable difference, but IMO, it's not as huge or dramatic as the numbers would suggest.

With that said, I'm quite happy with my brand new EO-2R even though in reality it isn't twice as bright as the the Surefire bulb.
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I will stick to my Surefire lamps looking at the posts holding the filaments in the LF Lamps just looks cheap when compared to the Surefire lamps.
jayhackett03 said:

look at their runtime charts, you'll see what happens.

FYI, when lithium powered flashlights are used normally (on/off on/off, etc, as opposed to being left on for the whole runtime test) they will die instantly when their batteries are dead, not really a warning.

While I agree that there is less of a warning, it has been my experience that there is still a considerable warning. My own E2e actually is run this way year round. Since I got my A2 my E2e took on the post of "Kitchen Light" and it sits in a convenient place in the kitchen and I grab it whenever I need to see the water level in the coffee maker reservoir, or into a dark undercounter cupboard, or when I need to go down into the basement to mess with the furnace, and so on. So it gets used for 30 seconds or a minute or two, then returned to its post. And it lasts a long time this way. But even given this kind of useage, I still know many minutes of runtime in advance of the true death of the batteries.


A fairly long time ago now, I grew dissatisfied with my Firefly LED light as an EDC (before that was an Arc LSH-S) because . . . well, never mind, that's irrelevant. Point is, I wanted an incan EDC. And I had wanted an E2e ever since I first heard of it way back in 2000. So I posted a thread called E2e owners inside please and there's some informative posts in there. Also, well before that, I was thinking of getting a SF A2 and posted a thread called Thinking of getting a SF A2. Opinions? and there is also a lot of talk in that thread about the E2e (and why the A2 is to be prefered).

It all depends on your situation, of course, and no overall statement like "The A2 is better" can be made. However, for most situations, for most people, the A2 is probably a better choice. Don't get me wrong! I love the E2e. It is a masterpiece of flashlight design and execution.

However, I found two main problems with the E2e as my EDC:

1. Never sure about when to change the batteries. It was humorous, actually. I'd use it, and go "hmm. Yes. It's definitely yellow now. Time to put in new batteries for sure." Then I'd install two new 123's . . . and . . . I couldn't really tell the difference. So, I'd put the old ones back in. Then other times, I'd figure I was still OK (having learned my lesson, of course), then find I was actually near the last 10 or 20 minutes of runtime at the start of a situation where I was going to need some kind of light for longer. Of course, back then, there were no lumens factory lamps for use with two R123's! But there was the MN02, which I think I should have gone for right away. A lot less light but a lot more runtime.


2. It was actually too short for pocket carry. Funny, huh? But, yes indeed, it would fall over sideways and get jammed into the bottom of my pants pocket. This was a major annoyance after a while and I never figured out a good way to avoid it (I don't carry a wallet).

So, the A2 actually has just enough extra length to stay upright in my pocket, and I always know when to change the batteries. At some point, the incan clearly stops working at full regulation, and I drop in two new 123's. But even if I were in a critical situation when that happened, the LED's would still have many hours of life available from the 25 percent full 123's.

So, if the pocket carry thing is not an issue, and if you don't care about the dual mode thing, then the E2e is maybe the better choice. Also, the E2e beam is aesthetically more pleasing, but it does have less throw. There are a bunch of reasons why someone might chose one over the other, but for me personally, the A2 is a far better fit to my EDC requirements than the E2e.

The E2e is still a helluva light, though! And I love having one around. I actually have a balrog body on my E2e--so, no clip whatsoever, not even any place where the clip could be installed. Smooth and round throughout. It's a perfectly lovely little light.

Hope that helped.
Tessaiga said:
Thanks for all the replies guys... so does it mean that without a lumens factory after market bulb, I can't run the E2e on RCR-123A or 17670??

In other words, stock setup only allows you to use primaries??

Correct regarding the RCR-123A's, but a single 17670 would drive the MN02, but I'm pretty sure it would significantly under-drive it (i.e. too yellow). You want a different lamp for use with li-ion cells.
wow.. thanks.. very informative post...

the A2 with the regulated output really appeals to me, but once I see the price tag on one, it stops me dead in my tracks...:D

Isn't there an SF light that gives Fenix like regulation that doesn't cost an arm and a leg??
Do you really need incandescent? There are quite a few LED light out there now that put out more light, last longer, have multiple levels, can use rechargeable and cost less money.

I actually prefer the light color from a high quality incandescent light the E2e, but pretty much only use LEDs these days because they excel in so many other ways.
Tessaiga said:
Isn't there an SF light that gives Fenix like regulation that doesn't cost an arm and a leg??
E1L (1XCR123A). I can get one locally for $79. Excellent light. It has SureFire-like (i.e., excellent) regulation.
Can always get the E1e and a E2L and you can get the best of both worlds, incans and leds. Both has pros and cons, but I'd prefer LEDs over incans solely for the better runtime and life of the LE. KL1 head from E2L can take 1 or 2 3.0v or 3.7v rechargeable RCR123 for guilt free lumens. All the best....
I bought the E2E wine with the MN02 bulb in it, very nice light, good output, nice size, but the batteries die without warning as others have said. It sits on my nightstand now, great bedside light, nice and bright, lots of side spill, great for home defense!
My replacement light is an L1, it's a bit bigger, but brighter, regulated, won't leave me in the dark instantly again, moonmode, and I only have to carry one battery for a spare, instead of two. The L1 runs around $139, but you can get some great discounts if you look around at some of the sponsers and the "Dealers corner". You might even want to wait for the new Cree powered ones to come out, I liked the runtimes on the old one better for my needs.
There is nothing wrong with an E2E, it's a great light!! I think the A2 is a bit much for what it is, but thats me, and I am tight LOL!!