Pocket knife specialists needed


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 29, 2004
Hi folks :)

Since a few years I'm using a Leatherman multitool (XTi) and I am very satisfied of this great tool! The knife inside is great too (made of 154CM steel, whatever it may be but in my opinion the quality is much better than the usual steel they make knives of) but sometimes I only need a knife instead of all the other functions of the Leatherman. I was looking for a Benchmade knife and they look great, but I couldn't really found the thing I am looking for :
- blade of 3 to 4 inches
- blade made of 154CM steel
- folder knife
- closed length between 4 and 5 inches
- and, if possible, the handle made from aluminum or titanium

Is there anything you can recommend?

If you can dig VG10 steel, which the smart people say is good stuff, consider the Spyderco Endura with stainless scales: link

As for a trusted vendor, newgraham.com is probably the #1 place among the crowd at bladeforums. I've bought many a knife there.

Recommend the Benchmade MiniGriptilion for an all around easy to hold, easy to pocket, reasonably priced knife. Doesn't meet your criteria, but you should consider it.
If you could do without the aluminum or titanium handles the new Griptilians meet all your criteria. They are now 154CM steel instead of 440C. Benchmade switched a while ago.
One of my favorite knives is my Benchmade Osborne 942. I think this is discontinued but you can pretty much the exact same knife, just with s30V steel in the model 940. That would be my recommendation. Very sleek liiking knife, Axix Lock, Al handles, in the size you want. Not a giant monster of a knife though.

Don't get too caught up in the super-steel garbage. BG-42, ATS34, Gin-1, S30V, 154CM, etc are all fine steel choices for a general purpose high reliability folder.

Other models of Benchmade that have 154CM are many of the Griptilians like the 553 Pardue Griptilain Tanto. I don't own one personally so I can't vouch for them. But just about anything Benchamde is worth the money.
PhantomPhoton said:
Don't get too caught up in the super-steel garbage. BG-42, ATS34, Gin-1, S30V, 154CM, etc are all fine steel choices for a general purpose high reliability folder.

You forgot VG-10. ;)
I second PhantomPhoton's recommendation(and highorder's, which is the same thing with a pointier blade). I EDC a BM 940Ti, which is basically the same as the current 940, except for the spacers and fact that it has Ti handles instead of aluminum.
For heavy use, I'd go with something that has a more secure and hand-filling handle, but for everyday stuff, I love the 940(which is still a stout knife in spite of its slender profile).
Kind of got my eye on the new mini-Rukus right now, too:broke:
Did someone say Griptilians? :laughing:

Benchmade 942 meets your specs and would put a smile on your face - discontinued.

Look at the other Benchmade Osborne's 940, 941, 943, or ebay for a 942
i AM A knife knut first, and a flashaholic second...and i say:

Small Sebenza classic.
Griptillian, I can't say a bad think about them. I think I need to get that new fixed blade model.
What rscanady said regarding the BM Ritter RSK. Try perusing New Graham's online knife pages.
Spyderco Endura 4 SS (stainless steel). It's a great knife in the 4" range, using VG-10 steel (which I feel is superior to 154CM and much less of a pain to sharpen than S30V) and has slowly become one of my favored knives. Right now I am EDCing an Endura IWB with my Para-Military in my pocket.

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