I know some of you more 'informed if it were possible to replace the lamp model with that of the PF40 model PF50 should replace other components? There are no contraindications?
I thought they used the same light bulb but different ballasts?
This lamp says for whole p Series
I do not understand one thing, use polarion PF/PH40 Osram D1S, but the power of 3200 lum is declared lum while the 4200 lum is installed on polarion. oo:
The more watts being sent to the bulb, the higher the lumen output. Same 35W bulb for all Polarion lights.
I understand, thank you the answer, then in the PF50 the lamp is the same? is the ballast to adjust the light flow?
Yes, and yes.
thanks for the contribution, then the lamp used by polarion is manufactured by Osram? :naughty:
Yes, and yes.
and you can have it as a replacement? :devil:
:thinking::sigh:I thought they used the same light bulb but different ballasts?
This lamp says for whole p Series
I understand the ballast to have the same power of PF50!