Police car has Cree lights....maybe MCEs


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I just got my new patrol car and was so busy looking at all the cool gadgets inside I paid no attention to the overhead light bar. For years our take down lights have been incans and are designed to throw a little extra light forward during traffic stops.

The old ones worked pretty well however the first time I activated my new ones I was amazed at the output and had to investigate closer. I was shocked to notice 24 Cree MCEs (12 on each side) mounted behind some type of individual optics. The color is a cool white and really packs a punch compared to our old ones.

The entire light bar (overhead flashers, alley lights, rear flashers, directional markers...everything) is all luxeon type lights now and it really gets your attention.

I found myself really wanting to take this thing apart and maybe mod it however I would surely get myself fired by doing so....just thought it was cool to see MCEs and optics on my patrol car and I am probably only one of a few flashaholics at work who even noticed.

If I can get my cam charged tonight I will try to get a few pics of the beamshot....it is really amazing to see in person.

EDIT:.... I have looked a little closer at this lightbar and believe it may have been the optic making the die look larger or distorted and it is possible these are simply the standard Cree XRE (normal size die) rather than the quad die MCE. I will not know for sure until I get one open and that is impossible right now. The dome looks to be larger however the base has the tiny green traces of the regular old XRE style emitter. The optic is unlike anything I have seen and distorts the view as you change angles when trying to look from the front to see the dome of the emitter. Regardless I can make out the "CR" on the base and am certain it is a Cree.....just not so sure anymore about it being the MCE. If I find for sure I will edit this thread with full details.
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Re: Police car has MCEs....

That is interesting. Its certainly a sign that leds are becoming much more mainstream now, if they are becoming more standard in the automotive and emergency service industries.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

Coming back from a caving trip in the weekend one of our party commented the new LED bars on police cars around here have come in for some criticism for not throwing light out to the sides. The old ones with incandescent lights threw a huge amount of light around, meaning bounce off trees, buildings, fences, etc meant an incident was easily spottable from a large distance off, whereas the LEDs in the new ones only shine forward and backward, making incidents harder to see if the viewer is approaching from the side.

Sorry, that's probably off track. I'd like to see beamshots of these lights of yours too.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

Just got my new patrol cruiser as well! We've been using LED overhead lights for at least 6-7 years. They've always been extremely bright...I mean you could see them for well over 2 miles. BUT...the overhead and alley lights (the ones throw directly to the drivers left or right), the white lights on the side of the lightbar always lacked in brightness and throw.

My new lightbar has the best throw I've ever seen!!! IT'S AMAZING!!! easily smokes my incan alley lights! LED's have finally made the mainstream!
Re: Police car has MCEs....

In a traditional CPF way......

BEAMSHOTS!!! :laughing:
Re: Police car has MCEs....

I really want to check these out. I have thought to inspect the lights on the local police cruisers though I feared it might seem strange and even suspicious. I just love this stuff!
Re: Police car has MCEs....

I have a couple of the led alley lights at home. They are very bright, mine are a spotlight pattern. I plan to put them on my atv or make a spotlight for my truck.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

Robo,who is the maker of your new light bar?
Re: Police car has MCEs....

The LEDs have their uses in lightbars and other warning devices, but for warning purposes I have to agree with Torchboy in that there is something to be said for the high visibility of a quality halogen rotator. Perhaps it lies in the motion.....Our eyes are somewhat attracted to motion more than a static light source, and by static I mean fixed location. To overcome that I think the LEDs may have to be excessively bright at close range with may be somewhat blinding unless they dim a bit for night use.

Now as takedown or alley lights I agree that quality LEDs behind quality optics of reflectors should trounce conventional lamps and be more durable with less current draw.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

This is off topic...

However, the lightbars we have are also LED's and they aren't as effective as the strobes. Seems people don't pay as much attention, as the LED's don't have that "punch" of a strobe that seems to get people's attention.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

The LED light bars on police cars in Georgia I could see the flashling before I made it over the hill. Once you come over the hill you would have to be blind not to notice. And in the back window I have seen some that have yellow LEDs that move to the left or right, depending on which side of the road the police car is on telling you to move to the next lane.
Re: Police car has MCEs....

The Michigan State Police are converting their incandescent rotators to LEDs.

The new LED overhead light produces an intense, wide-angle red light in all directions that only requires three amps to operate. Each kit uses 12 light heads, nine LED bulbs per head, for a total of 108 lights in each car; far more than most standard light bars. The LED bulbs have an 100,000-hours-of-use rating and a five-year warranty from date of service.

They have red and blue lights in the back window and grill.

Here is a link to an article.

Re: Police car has MCEs....

hmm...it would definitely improve the response rate. Halogens are "flashed" while LEDs are "strobed" when applied by the same flasher at the same frequency. Flashing halogens means a shorter life but with LEDs they love it and thats less heatsink for you:p

the patrol cars around campus used to be Ford intercepters with very bulky and heavy lightbars, now they changed their fleet to chevy and has clear, single level lightbars like these in blue and red, boy does it look awesome at night.


I pulled over once behind one who just pulled over a car to try to take a picture, he didn't like it :aaa:
Re: Police car has MCEs....

Yes... having just gotten a speeding ticket a week ago... I can tell you They ARE BRIGHT!!