Possible non-Moddoo Triple LED?


Mar 26, 2010
So I've been frustrated that the Moddoo Triple XP-G dropins are literally out of my reach, and I've been searching all over for alternate Triple LED Dropins that would let me have 600+ lumens in a 6P host.

Then I found this site here:

The technical bits escape my grasp, but aren't there at least the proper pieces available in order to get ahold of a Triple LED dropin?

Or am I just dreaming again? :poke:
Due to a shipping error (the vendor told me to keep it) I have a really nice neutral white Rebel 90 tri-star that I'd love to make a P60 drop-in out of.

It would be nice if a P60 sized heatsink/holder was available for 20mm triples. I don't have the tools/ability to make one myself.
You could also buy these XPG boards from a CPF member here http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=265294

I've got the first one from Rav, looks great. Working on building it into a 2C torch using three small boost drivers.
I simply cannot stress enough how little tools/parts/experience I have with this kind of stuff.

If I bought myself a soldering iron, I'd probably try to solder the LED board to my face(would make a nice headlamp to be honest).
If you're really interested in getting a triple XP-G, contact Milky. He is able to do a triple XP-G using reflectors instead of an optic lens.
You can get them from a U.S. supplier now!!

3 x XP-G on 20mm board: http://ledsupply.com/creexpg-w417.php

3 x XP-G 20mm optic: http://ledsupply.com/carclo-optics-xpg-3up.php

Easy build if you can machine a simple heatsink to fit snugly inside the body and hold the driver.

Seems IMO to be somewhat deceptive to call the Carclo triple optic an XP-G optic. The part number in the pdf that ledsupply links to is the same as when it was an XP-E optic and the XP-G didn't even exist yet.
Seems IMO to be somewhat deceptive to call the Carclo triple optic an XP-G optic. The part number in the pdf that ledsupply links to is the same as when it was an XP-E optic and the XP-G didn't even exist yet.

I dont think its misleading. Carclo has optics which they specify for the xp-g and others for the xp-e. This particular optic is simply specified for use with the "xp" range. That being said, I think it is perfectly acceptable for Ledsupply to advertise these as "xp-g optics" It is also the same optic that Cutter is offering for use with the xp-e, xp-g and xp-c. And they seem to work rather well, although with a much larger hotspot with the xp-g than if used with xp-e.
I wonder if Malkoff might start producing triples for people who don't like the all-flood MCE modules?

Might be worth bouncing the idea off of them, though I suspect compatibility issues with their older hosts and heads - the triple optic is rather wider than their old single optic. (but hey, no more white ring?)
wonder if ledsupply's heatsinks for the 3-up will fit inside a p60 host. Dimensions are very close. I'm trying to save up for a VanIsleDM drop-in, but if my broke azz can't build up funds in time, I might have to try a DIY option. Thinking of going this route maybe.
I am interested also. I would have purchased a moddoo triple XP-G a long time ago but for the fact that it is not regulated or at full output at 4.2 volts. I want to run it on an 18650. I will not run something like this on primaries or rcr123a - I want the run time of an 18650 but I don't want the size of a 2x18650. If I wanted a 2x18650 light, I have much better options. Anyway, I'm hoping somebody can build one that runs (properly) on a single 18650.
Check the link posted by Kestrel and see if you can get a quad XP-G. They are really nice drop-ins and you can even select the color temp of the LEDs.