Power outage yesterday


Mar 10, 2008
So yesterday I was at my new job getting my first day of orientation. Unknown to me, apparently a storm had moved in. I was with the secretary faxing some documents when the lights started flickering - it's a hospital, so I wasn't too worried.

A few minutes later (of course halfway through the fax) the lights blinked out. They popped right back on, but the damage was done with the fax.

The secretary came in a minute later with one of the plastic 2D Energizer lights saying, "Around here you need to be prepared."

Somewhat embaressed, I pulled out a MiniMag LED from my computer bag... "Already covered."
yeah preparedness pays off sometimes.. but umm.. hope i dont sound blunt.. but reading thru your sig.. i am amazed that you only had the maglite as your edc. :)

(i pulled out lmini2 of my pocket today to show light to the security guard as she walked thru a dark hallway to turn the alarms on.. gotta love the spill.. i stood by the exit and aimed it on front of her feet to light the floor and the spill, well.. showed the waistline too.. :) cute cupcake she was)
well, I DO have a military uniform (Not BDU's), so pocket space is limited, and we're not allowed to have much in our pockets. Maybe the P2D will fit? I'll try it tomorrow.

My usual E2L was in my shorts back home - unpacking from my move last week.

Hence the embarrasment (though, I suppose, better than having just my nano on the keychain)
hah. the reason why i keep lummi raw in my keychain. if i somehow am without my normal lights, it looks nice and small but still suprises most with its power :)

and also main point: if you need it, any light is better than none.

pd20 should be possible to hide..if it aint.. look for smaller ones :) fenix ld01 or something like that :)

or worst case scenario put that pd20 into the computer bag :) if minimag fits ,others should fit too :)