Power Outtage


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 12, 2003
Chino Hills, CA
I'm fine as of right now but my whole neighborhood had the power go out since 3:30PM today (5-12-2005)

Edison got the power back on to my street at 6:00PM. Turns out there's a bad transformer that shorted out so they just disconnected that section and just restored power to my side of the street. Now I happen to live on the corner at a T junction and the blow transformer serves that part of the neighborhood after my house so the neighbors across the street and up the next block still have no power.

Well, it's night now and it's weird to have lights on at your house but have no streetlights or electricity all around you (pitch black !). I did use my Energizer 2 in 1 to use the bathroom since there were no windows but I don't need it now. Most neighbors are getting around with flashlights or candles (yikes!)

Last I heard is that it will take until tomorrow morning before they can replace the transformer and have service fully restored
Last power outage was about 2 years ago and I was flashlight and battery poor and ended up using mostly a dorcy 1AAA, cheap nightblaster 3AAA 3LED clip/headlamp and the SLA out of my 500kcp spotlight to power a portable stereo. Now I am ready but rather not have an outage right now since it has been near 90 degrees and sticky. I don't have any high output battery powered fans.