Powering the Mag85


Oct 13, 2003
Chicago Suburbia, IL
With everyone waiting for the ELv2 3AA-D holders, can the Mag85 be powered with

8 AA nimh
energizer 2100 / Sanyo 2100 / Ray-o-vac 2000 / GP1800 / etc.
in a 8AA-2D holder

and a rechargable D battery?

If so, which D nimh battery would work the best?

8AA is the spec at 816.81 Lumens.

I have heard of using an 8AA + an AA-D adapter, so a d NiMH should work. I would let all the batteries rest overnight though.

I'm sure someone who knows WAY more than me will say something!
Rechargeable 123's MIGHT work in a double parallel stack, but not single stacked.

The 8AA's and D would work, just make sure that you don't burn the AA's. You'd probably be better off modding a 1AA to D adaptor from RadioShack with better contacts to flow more current.



I think a rechargeable D would do fine. In fact, in a pinch, I actually used an alkaline D. I know, for shame. But it was only to see if it would work. It did but the D added essentially no voltage to the stack.

Have anybody tried using SubC batteries?

I'm currently running a 1185 using 8 x GP 3300mAH SubC batteries. These batteries are for RC racing use so should deliver high amperage with very flat discharge curves.

I wanted to use 9 but I'm afraid the bulb will instantly flash due the the high output of these batts !! I think I will try 9 batteries later just to confirm. If the 1185 can handle 9 SubC, then I'll have a handheld torch that can run very brightly for around an hour. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
The WA01185 instaflashes on 9 x 1/2D 4Ah nimh cells so yes, I suspect it will flash on 9 high current sub-Cs.
