Did anyone try to mod the PT EOS with Cree XP-G???
Did anyone try to mod the PT EOS with Cree XP-G???
Considering the size of the die, the Rebel version of the Eos might be best (thinking optics here). Not sure what the brightness increase might be compared to stock, though.Did anyone try to mod the PT EOS with Cree XP-G???
Sorry to bring this up from the dead, but I got the Princeton Tec EOS as a gift and love the headlamp but the beam is way too blue for me. Where can I get a neutral XPG-R5 on a 20mm star? I can and have bought these neutral XPG-R5s with 16mm base for my Rayovac lantern project but can anyone tell me if it will work the same?
BTW I followed a 24 minute video posted online to mod it with an XPG and the damn temperature sensor was epoxyd to the stock LED. I ended up breaking the temperature sensor trying to get it off, but the light still works.
EDIT: I found a 20mm star, but it's an r2 neutral XPG neutral white.
The beam pattern sucks.
I'm not sure which one I have.
I had the lux 1
that explains the crappy beam. i think the best option is to find a reflector that will work with the XPG... but finding one might not be easy. and you would still then have to mod the optic holder.
one thing you can do to make things work better with the stock optic is to to raise the XPG. to do this, get a blank 20mm star, epoxy the 16mm XPG to the blank star, cut out the centering device on the optic holder, manually center the XPG inside the optic holder, then epoxy the stars to the optic holder. this should raise the XPG far enough to achieve the correct focal length with the stock optic.
it would be the same idea as what Szemhazai applied for his Tikka XP mod shown here.
for the blank 20mm star, you can just take the stock Lux I star, desolder the Lux I, flip the star so the blank side faces up, and epoxy the 16mm XPG to the blank side. the original 20mm star is thicker than most stars you can buy and will work better than anything else probably.
Well I did the mod. But because the 16mm star is there on top of the filed down 20mm star, it still wouldn't fit right. If the LED and small heatsink fit in-between the open space of the black holder of the EOS (like the user had in the link) then it would have fit perfectly.
did you cut out the centering bracket in the middle of the optic holder? the raised XPG won't fit unless you basically turn the optic holder into a hollow tube.
centering the LED manually can be a tough task. even a fraction of a mm can make a big difference in the beam so it's not uncommon to end up with a few rings when doing things manually. you probably did a good job if you have that one layer of tape on there and are happy with the results.
a Eos should run for a tick over 3 hours on high on Eneloops.
I clocked 3 hours 23 minutes before high and medium were nearly indistinguishable. No I did not cut out the plastic center bracket but I probably should have thought of that haha.
how did you get everything to fit if the centering bracket is still on there? there's only about 2mm of space between an installed optic holder and the round plastic plug on the circuit board side of the battery holder. the 16mm star is probably 1.5mm thick and the Lux I star is almost 2mm thick. withe centering bracket still on there, there shouldn't be enough room for the optic holder to install properly or for the battery holder to install into the body all the way. did you maybe grind down the round plastic support plug on the battery holder to get the stars to fit?
if the epoxy hasn't dried to full strength yet, i would redo the mod. with the centering bracket intact, the XPG is 1.5mm too far away from the optic. not only is the optic not focused properly, it's also not capturing all the light from the XPG. you're probably losing 10-20% of the XPG's output.