Just brought a Terralux TLE-6EXB and put in into a 2 D Cell Maglite. I used the flashlight today for an extended length of time and now I noticed a problem After the light has been on for several minutes, it cycles between full brightness and about 50% brightness. It does this about every 30 seconds. Sometimes instead of going dim, it will just flicker for 5 or 10 seconds and then stabilize. It does this while motionless, sitting on the floor. I changed out the batteries and they are in date, so that is not the problem. I changed the bulb back to the standard Maglite bulb and it doesn't do this. Is this definately a problem with the bulb or could I have another problem? I realize that is an impossible to to answer this question acuratley, so I guess my real question is, is there a history of problems like this with this bulb or other LEDs?
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.