Pulsar 125, very dissapointed, suggestions?


Feb 14, 2007
I jsut recieved my pulsar 125 from WickedLasers (rated @ 150mw) and as of right now I'm very dissapointed in it...

the dot is about 1/2" in size, it will *not* burn anything (most I can do is smoke a match)

I considered adjusting the lens (either by popping off the endcap or using an eraser to try and move it a little) but somone on the WL site said that that was foolish and if I was that unhappy, I should just RMA it.

I'm not sure what to do... I *do* have another 200mw laser on it's way, so I'm trying to wait and see how it goes (if it's much better focused and can light matches, paper, whatever, then I may just RMA it and use the $$$ towards a WL evolution 125mw (which has a much tighter beam and suppsoedly has soemthing like 25-wats-per-cm of power) or towards a spyder.

Suggestions? I'm not sure what to do from here...
Personally I would RMA as it doesnt sound a good laser. Do WL repay your costs of posting the lasers back?

Reading the WL forums ( www.lasercommunity.com ) I notice a lot of people have issues with WL lasers and end up having to RMA.

What amazes me is WL customers are amazingly loyal. Some of them have had to RMA 2 or more times for the same laser and appear to have to pay their own postage costs and yet still think WL are the worlds best!
The only true perks I see for WL are (1) a garountee of the laser getting into USA or you money back +$100, and small size for higher-pwoered units (the 300mw spyder or 450mw mantis (http://www.wickedlasers.com/exclusive.php)) though you pay deerly for the small size... and I'm not 100% sold on the duity cycle of such a pwoerful laser in such a small case...

Yes, I had a thread below where I noted the same thing; WL customers sware by them, despite there being other alternatives that are cheeper and possibly better quality (I have one of those alternatives on the way and will be posting a review of it when it arrives)

It's a very good laser if you're pointing out the promonint features of Mt. rushmore at night... but it's very poorly focused for anything except pointing. I added an external lens and focused it to <1mm and all it did was smoke a match (though this is on low batteries, these are not fresh) so... will see what happens when I get new batteries.

I'm not complaining about the brightness, mind you, oh no, you can use this thing as a torch! (esp with the external lens that makes the dot like 5" in diameter when you shine it on the wall or floor) there just is such a bad focus it's practically worthless --- even as a pointer!
You shouldnt have any problems getting LaserGlow or Optotronics imported into the USA. LaserGlow are FDA approved so ok for import and Optotronics are already in the USA.

Size is definately where WL score big time. Also their Spyder II is waterproof.

Look forward to your review and comparisons
This is not a problem with the laser, it is just inherent to the design. Red 650nm laser are just diode lasers, not DPSS, so off-the-bat you have horrible divergence. To correct that, you collimate it. The smaller to dot size, the better for burning as the energy is far more concentrated. However, the smaller you collimate the beam to, its just a property of physics that you have worse divergence. Therefore you'll find that many of these red lasers will have initial diameters of 4-6mm (far too large for most unaided burning tricks), but very good divergence in exchange.

For burning I would suggest using an external lens. You may also want to look into the focus modification, which I have done on all of my pulsars and love it as it makes them the most convenient portable burning laser for me (and I own an RPL-300 with great divergence :drool:). This will void the warranty though, and shouldn't be attempted if you don't know what you're doing, so you might look into paying someone for the mod. Otherwise, just return it and look into green lasers with small diameters at aperture for burning (and be prepared to pay much more for the same power)
Well, problem solved accidentally!

Turns out that the pulsar lenses are NOT glued in (atleast mine wasnt) I used a cottonbud to clean the lens through the arpature and accidentally moved the lens! now it has a 2' focal length and works BEAUTIFULLY! no external lens needed! So, now, I'm quite content... just need to stock up on batteries... lol
The focus probably shifted during shipping, which isn't too good, but at least you're happy now.
Ashton said:
Well, problem solved accidentally!

Turns out that the pulsar lenses are NOT glued in (atleast mine wasnt) I used a cottonbud to clean the lens through the arpature and accidentally moved the lens! now it has a 2' focal length and works BEAUTIFULLY! no external lens needed! So, now, I'm quite content... just need to stock up on batteries... lol

I quite agree, I recieved my Pulsar 100 yesterday, and is without doubt my favourite Laser, it will burn matches and tape at 30+ feet (with a lens) and will combine with green 532nm light to produce a nice yellow for scanner effects.

And that beautiful Ruby beam has to be seen to be believed...:mad:


Haha i'm a sucker for happy endings.

I don't have a red laser so can some one take pity on me and post some cool pics of a red pointer in action?!? Please :barf:
If I get a chance to set up my fogger I'll show some awesome pics of the focus mod foinf from point to a dot that's ~5" in diameter @ 4'!
Luvlasers - this is the "Senkatser v1.0"...(hahahhaa) my first ever home made red laser - made with scavenged parts from a dvd-burner, and an Aixiz module : LOOKS like crap (Radio Shack project case - BAH !) But it burns nicely, and is focusable. http://stonetek.org/VIDS/dvd-laser.wmv They are VERY fun to make - and this one registered a whopping 177mw on a Coherent lasercheck at 662nm !!!
SenKat said:
Luvlasers - this is the "Senkatser v1.0"...(hahahhaa) my first ever home made red laser - made with scavenged parts from a dvd-burner, and an Aixiz module : LOOKS like crap (Radio Shack project case - BAH !) But it burns nicely, and is focusable. http://stonetek.org/VIDS/dvd-laser.wmv They are VERY fun to make - and this one registered a whopping 177mw on a Coherent lasercheck at 662nm !!!
Here's my GREEN version :whistle: http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forumdata/yabbfiles/Attachments/Timelords_new_toy_works_check_it_out.wmv

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