Q5 Mod - Key Chain CR2! - Very Nice!


Jan 3, 2008
Northern CA U.S.A.
Here I am showing how I took a Q5 emitter with a custom heatsink, then modified an aluminum reflector and glass lens from a Pocket Mini host, and built a very bright Key Chain Flashlight which uses a CR2 supply!
(primary or rechargeable)

You may have seen this nice Key Chain CR2 host on a different forum in the laser section...

I have a laser build kit using this great little host:
FS: Key Chain CR2 Kit! - SCHWEET!

Here is the flashlight mod...



I've got some battery current measurements to share at the bottom of the post, but first, the pictures of how the modification was done...

The pictures are in the order of the build, but first I want to show this one picture of how and why I modified a different glass lens for the build:

Now for the rest of the modification...









I am VERY happy with this Key Chain CR2 modification!

The emitter is a direct connect to the CR2 battery. No circuit. I tested a 3.0 volt CR2 rechargeable battery, charged to 3.5 volts, and I am getting a battery current draw of 460mA's.

It is very bright at this current. But I'm sure when my 3.6/4.2 volt CR2's get here, it will be even brighter!

These Q5 emitters are fine at even 1000mA's I believe... As long as they have some heatsinking.

Note: I am very surprised at just how much brighter it is at 460mA's current draw, compared to my Key Chain 10280 flashlight mod shown here:

I mean, the 10280 mod is drawing over 300mA's. (I regulated it with a 1 watt 3 ohm resistor because I did not want to over discharge the 200mAh battery)

But the difference is way more than I would have guessed! It is more than twice as bright at 460mA's. (guessing)

Super Bright:

With a 3.6/4.2 volt CR2, the battery current draw is 1240mA's! This is putting the Q5 emitter to it's max brightness. But I'm going to stick with the 3.0/3.6 volt CR2 battery because it is plenty bright with this supply, and with the small heatsink, I don't want to push it that hard.

This is a very bright flashlight, in a tiny Key Chain host!

P.S. This tiny mod is really a great project if you have the tools to do it, and especially if you have some parts already on hand like I did. But if you were to buy all of the parts just for the modification, it would cost about $45 or $50 bucks in just parts. That's why I couldn't really sell this modification for a reasonable price. Because of the parts, plus the amount of time it takes to do the modifications, I would want about $95 dollars to sell this mod, and I know that this is too much to spend, even though it is so unique...

So I'm just showing it as a cool project... Hope you like it! :)
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That's a great build, thanks for sharing.

Can you give any details on that little CR2 host? Or maybe a link for where to buy one.

many thnaks
Thanks for the compliment! :)

The supplier I found only has only a few, so when they run out, that will be it. I have about 30 or so on hand right now if you want one.

If you just want the un-modified flashlight with battery and nylon pouch that comes with it, I'll offer you one for $17 dollars plus $4 dollars shipping. (my shipping is based on packaging, handling, and PayPal fees)

Just PM me...
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Super Bright Update:

With a 3.6/4.2 volt CR2, the battery current draw is 1240mA's! This is putting the Q5 emitter to it's max brightness. But I'm going to stick with the 3.0/3.6 volt CR2 battery because it is plenty bright with this supply, and with the small heatsink, I don't want to push it that hard.

This is a very bright flashlight, in a tiny Key Chain host!
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Wow, that's a great mod!
You're working with some tiny parts there. I find aa sized light tiny to work with already :)
Thanks for the props guys! :)

I wish it wasn't so much work to modify, because it is a really nice host. And I could modify them and sell the Flashlight mod...

If I didn't have to modify an aluminum reflector and also the glass lens, then I think I would be able to make them affordable. But it's a cool project to show still! :cool: