Quality Small Switches


Jul 22, 2008
I've searched the web and this website for suppliers of good quality switches but can't seem to find the one I want.

What I want is:

-SPDT (or alternate action pushbutton)
-Sealed or sealable (ip67 or better would be nice)
-As small as possible.
-1A @ 5V contact

In the past I've used DX 12mm clickys with their silicon tailcap but I'm trying to shrink down my headlamp package. The tailcap needs a circle of diameter 18mm to seal well and that makes for a long (and wobbly) headlamp or a funny shaped bulge sticking out the side.

So I'm looking at getting one of the smaller Salecom toggle switches . In particular I like the UT or ES30-T though even the E80-T would do.

With these the width of the swtch could be down to 5-6mm which would shorten my headlamp by around 12mm.

I do miss the clicky/pushbutton though, so if anyone knows of a small waterproofable clicky then I'd love to hear from you.

I was in the same situation as you.
Couldn't find one.

Finally settled on a C&K standard pushbutton with a sealing boot.