Quark .9-4.2v head vs. 3-9v head on an AW 14500?


Aug 15, 2006

I own many quark parts, and have been trying to pick out the perfect combination for EDC. I was planning on running a .9-4.2v S2 head on a single AW 14500 in a titanium 1xAA body. Unfortunately, the head whines on both 2xAA and 1x14500, so I'm getting a replacement sent to me (4Sevens warranty rocks).

I really like the form factor of 1xAA, and I also like the additional brightness my 3-9v head gives on a single 1x14500, but I have no clue as to how long it will run at full brightness for. Has anybody done runtime/brightness test with this setup? I like the idea of being able to pop an AA into the original setup, so if the runtimes are similar on both heads, I'd like to use the low-voltage head. I have however heard the high-voltage head does very well on a single lithium ion battery, giving full brightness at first with a gently tapering reduction in output for longer runtimes than the low-voltage head. I currently carry my Quark 123x2 with an AW 17670 in it and love that setup vs. 2xRCR123.

Any insight on running Quarks heads on 4.2v is welcome.

Thank you and have a happy Thanksgiving!