Quark for camping, can it take the hard use?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 5, 2009
Hey all at CPF.
I did a quick search and couldn't find much.
So I've been reading lots about the new quarks, in particular the quark tactical with the new XP-G R5 led. Now these are meant to be really good leds, with good effiency and runtime.
So I have a had afew question.
1) As a hard use light, is the quark tacticals a good choice. Can it take a bit of a knock and such. I will be using it for camping and tramping, and it would be exposed to water adn rain, dirt, mud etc, and maybe smoe snow.
2) Which one, the quark AA2 tactical, or the quark 123-2 tactical? I was unsure of this as I have heard the 123 batteries have better output, and runtime, yet they are not as commonly available for purchase as the AA's are for me. However, I would be willing to go out of my way a little to get the 'better' battery choice.
3) Other brandsyou recommend? I ruled out the nitecore D10 as a little backup/useful light, as it does not have the new XP-G R5 led, adn the UI is on I don't like, (strobe, sos, no ramping). I am not sure about fenix, as the LD20 seems ok, especially as it uses AA batteries, easy to get, but I have heard and read that 4sevens customer service is a bit better.
Not sure about surefire, as they seem a bit overpriced, for me on my watertight budget, however the only one that appealed to me was the e2l outdoorsman.

So any coments would be helpful, and I appreciate you input

EDIT: one of the reasons I chose the quark is becuase of the moonlight mode, as 0.2 lumens for me is very useful, as where I'll be staying, there are no lights, and that is why the surefire, do not appeal to me as an everyday camping light, as it has no moonmode, and I would, if possible, only like ot make one or two torch purchases, adn with my main torch having multiple modes.
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Hey all at CPF.
I did a quick search and couldn't find much.
So I've been reading lots about the new quarks, in particular the quark tactical with the new XP-G R5 led. Now these are meant to be really good leds, with good effiency and runtime.
So I have a had afew question.
1) As a hard use light, is the quark tacticals a good choice. Can it take a bit of a knock and such. I will be using it for camping and tramping, and it would be exposed to water adn rain, dirt, mud etc, and maybe smoe snow.
Consensus seems to be that it's a quite sturdy light. But it's to soon to get statistical significant data considering long term usage and failure rate.
General consensus when you really need dependable lighting: Bring at least two lights. And not a good one and a cheapie - two good ones. Make that three if you're going into a cave...

2) Which one, the quark AA2 tactical, or the quark 123-2 tactical? I was unsure of this as I have heard the 123 batteries have better output, and runtime, yet they are not as commonly available for purchase as the AA's are for me. However, I would be willing to go out of my way a little to get the 'better' battery choice.
Good question. Comes down to personal preference.

3) Other brandsyou recommend? I ruled out the nitecore D10 as a little backup/useful light, as it does not have the new XP-G R5 led, adn the UI is on I don't like, (strobe, sos, no ramping). I am not sure about fenix, as the LD20 seems ok, especially as it uses AA batteries, easy to get, but I have heard and read that 4sevens customer service is a bit better.
Not sure about surefire, as they seem a bit overpriced, for me on my watertight budget, however the only one that appealed to me was the e2l outdoorsman.
You seem to have looked at the D10 SP. The old D10 didn't have any strobe modes, and it had ramping. I have that light myself and I really like it. The other usual suspects considering brands would be Fenix, Olight and Jetbeam.
About Surefire... yes, rather pricey, and generally no low modes.

So any coments would be helpful, and I appreciate you input

EDIT: one of the reasons I chose the quark is becuase of the moonlight mode, as 0.2 lumens for me is very useful, as where I'll be staying, there are no lights, and that is why the surefire, do not appeal to me as an everyday camping light, as it has no moonmode, and I would, if possible, only like ot make one or two torch purchases, adn with my main torch having multiple modes.
Quark seems to have the lowest low. D10 goes fairly low too.
Novatac and HDS are also in the ballpark of 0.2 lumens, but may be over your budget.
My first reaction was: Camping, that is not hard use at all... :crackup:

I have absolutely no worries about exposing any of my lights or gear to the elements, being snow, mud or whatever. If it doesn't hold up, then it didn't survive my Darwinist equipment test... That includes the quark line. If it rains, the quark gets wet. If it falls into a puddle, it should take it without problems. If not it's either a guarantee problem or being recycled into something useful.

I've used my quark for 4 months, including a few camping trips, and so far without worries - but I don't see my use as "heavy use". It's more an "ocational exposure to the element"-use. I don't stress-test my equipment, I don't toss it into a puddle on purpose. But I don't baby it either... it will be used, but not overly abused. No problems so far. I don't foresee any problems. Nor have I heard about anyone else that has experienced problems with the quark for exposure to the elements (there will always be an inevitable small percentage of faulty production units, and 47777 has and will replace those).

Clean it, grease it, use it. No worries... but as always: Critical items should have a backup.

Oh, and +1 for the moon mode. You really learn to appreciate it when it's really dark.
i used my quark on the Juneau ice field for two months without an issue. and thats a lot more then i can say for the rest of my gear :sick2:
i do agree that it should be a two battery light. for some reason i have this obsession with single cell lights and they are fun but for me is really just more practical to have the two cell counterpart for camping and even daily use.

now all i need to do is buy some >=)
I brought my Quark AA tactical camping this past summer. It performed wonderfully. Low and medium are the most useful around camp at night and they don't attract too much attention from other campers because they seem to be "average" flashlight brightness. A month later I accidentally dropped my Quark from chest height onto concrete. The anodizing was damaged, but the light still functioned normally. I'm quite confident in its ruggedness and I wouldn't hesitate to bring it camping or hiking again.

I'd get the 2xAA model. If you run out of cells or something happens where you need cells, other campers or a general store will probably have spare AA's. You can't say the same thing for CR123s unless you're camping with other flashaholics. However, the 2xCR123 Quark is shorter and in my opinion, a better form factor. Bring one or several backups with you.
I am a 123 snob so I would personally pick that one. However you
should pick whichever format will enhance your enjoyment of the light. For instance if you feel 123s are expensive you may feel less inclined to use it. That said, the 123 version will be brighter and run longer, noticeably, since 123 is a more powerful cell.

My first thought was that camping is not all that hard use, but from my experience the Quarks seem well constructed and designed and should easily handle what you can throw at it

other lights to consider would be the Ra Clicky and Twisty, and Novatac EDC, which are more expensive but are considered very robust.
I'm pleased with my quark so far. My surefires are better quality but at more cost.

I'm not sure if you're considering the turbo version or not. However, I would be tempted by the 2xAA version for a simple reason: you can also buy spare battery tubes to run it from a single AA or a single cr123a. I agree that the cr123as are, in general, better; however if you're going to a location where those are hard to find, consider the ease of stopping at a local store for more AA batteries. Also what batteries do you use for other equipment? Can you standardize? Why carry 2 or 3 types when one will do?

Just a few things to consider.
Here's my real-world experience with my quark AA:

I dropped it several times already... on concrete floors: Not a scratch, and stil works great

I also work in dirty machines that use slightly corrosive chemicals... I don't dip my quark in it :)crackup:) but I do clean it under plenty of running water afterwards and it still works like the day I got it...

I also have used my Quark for camping and I gotta say, it's pretty much the best light for camping, especially because of the moon mode. I have my hopes up that the Quark RGB will be even better for camping and hiking.

The only other light I can say is as good as Quark is fenix, but only Quarks have the moonmode. I did modify the lens adaptor on my Fenix to imitate the moon mode and it works great.
I'd say yes. A few nights ago, I dropped my Ti Quark AA down the stairs. I was going downstairs to make sure our front and back doors were locked, was pulling it out of my pocket while I walked to the stairs. The clip caught the egde of my pocket seam, and the motion of my arm pulled it out and launched it down the stairs. Landed once, about 1/2 way doown, then flipped up into the air, and came down right on the bezel, on the foyers hardwood floors. Quite a solid thunk.

Still works, though.
I used the 2xAA for camping this summer and the moon mode is just perfect for searching things inside a tent. I packed several "almost dead" alkies and full eneloops. In 10 days not even the first "almost dead" couple were totally drained. Maybe next year? :D
I dont know about the durability on the quarks yet, as I havent stress tested them yet. Still enjoying the pristine good looks for now.....
Judging from build quality, and a few minor knocks i've given mine, I would trust them for camping and hiking duty.

As for battery choices, Quark gives you a lot of options if you buy some extra bodies. Pick up a 2 x AA light, then you can get a 1 x cr123 body, 1 x AA body, or even a 1 x 18650 body.

Too bad 4/7s is out of the Neutral tint non-tactical heads. That would have made an awesome camping light. The tactical is ok, but its a few extra steps to program if the 2 modes arent what you need.
On my last campin trip I took my Quark123. I usually put a light on lanyard around my neck when it gets dark. The light worked well for me. I also used it on high with the finger holder when was driving my Quad, for some extra light. It worked well for me.:thumbsup:
just comfirming that the D10 does NOT have strobe/sos etc. and that it DOES ramp. and is a very nice pocket light, i have the R2 version and the color tint is nuetral/warm. ive heard the other emitter versions as with the ex10 r2 has a purpleish tint.

i would recommend lights using AA just so you only have to carry 1 type of batteries.
the cr123a has every advantage except price and availibilty. but if you dont already have cr123a or a rechargable set up, stick with AA battery lights. it will be easier on your wallet.

id recommend fenix L2d or LD20 over the quark AAx2, mainly because of battery efficency, especially if you are using alkalines. the fenix regulates those batteries better. the quark is brighter though. but if brightness was the issue, get something bigger since the AAx2 lights arent really pocket lights. both are exceptional lights.

have you considered the zebralight h501w (warm tint) uses 1 AA battery and would be very useful for camping. its a flood light/head lamp, and very small. and very bright for what it is.
Any one feel like putting their Quark through some Fenix T1 tests?
Ok just to clear something up, my mistake, I probably used the wrong word, I meant hiking and tramping, not really camping, and my definition of camping, from my personal experience of camping was, hiking on the side of some mountain range, and when the sun went down, set up tents (a camp to me), start a fire, eat food, sleep, wake up and repeat)
sorry for not making that clear.
Oh and sorry if this realy long post like idk uses up someones dialup or something, my apologies

I'd get the 2xAA model. If you run out of cells or something happens where you need cells, other campers or a general store will probably have spare AA's. You can't say the same thing for CR123s unless you're camping with other flashaholics. However, the 2xCR123 Quark is shorter and in my opinion, a better form factor. Bring one or several backups with you.
Ok thanks, but where I'm going I'd need to stock up on batteries before I go on the track, as there are no general stores near where I'll be.

I am a 123 snob so I would personally pick that one. However you
should pick whichever format will enhance your enjoyment of the light. For instance if you feel 123s are expensive you may feel less inclined to use it. That said, the 123 version will be brighter and run longer, noticeably, since 123 is a more powerful cell.

My first thought was that camping is not all that hard use, but from my experience the Quarks seem well constructed and designed and should easily handle what you can throw at it
other lights to consider would be the Ra Clicky and Twisty, and Novatac EDC, which are more expensive but are considered very robust.

Regarding the 123 batteries, even if they are slightly more expensive, I would be willing to pay that little bit of extra money, knowing that they are gonna last me longer, and perform better. I'll have a look at those brands you mentioned thanks.

I'm pleased with my quark so far. My surefires are better quality but at more cost.

I'm not sure if you're considering the turbo version or not. However, I would be tempted by the 2xAA version for a simple reason: you can also buy spare battery tubes to run it from a single AA or a single cr123a. I agree that the cr123as are, in general, better; however if you're going to a location where those are hard to find, consider the ease of stopping at a local store for more AA batteries. Also what batteries do you use for other equipment? Can you standardize? Why carry 2 or 3 types when one will do?

Yeah, the idea of buying the AA2 or 123 actual torch then buying another tube, that seems like a good idea, I will look into that and see if I can spare some money for it. Thanks. And no, no turbo version for me, yet.

I dont know about the durability on the quarks yet, as I havent stress tested them yet. Still enjoying the pristine good looks for now.....
Judging from build quality, and a few minor knocks i've given mine, I would trust them for camping and hiking duty.

As for battery choices, Quark gives you a lot of options if you buy some extra bodies. Pick up a 2 x AA light, then you can get a 1 x cr123 body, 1 x AA body, or even a 1 x 18650 body.

Too bad 4/7s is out of the Neutral tint non-tactical heads. That would have made an awesome camping light. The tactical is ok, but its a few extra steps to program if the 2 modes arent what you need.

For me personally, even though the neutral tint is said to have better colour rendition, I kinda prefer the cool white, as the colours seem pretty good to me, and, if warm is better, perhaps a neutral white zebra headlamp? if they make it? Is this the reason why you chose neutral white - for colour rendition?

just comfirming that the D10 does NOT have strobe/sos etc. and that it DOES ramp. and is a very nice pocket light, i have the R2 version and the color tint is nuetral/warm. ive heard the other emitter versions as with the ex10 r2 has a purpleish tint.
Yeah just to clear this up, where I am in Australia, I can't buy the D10 anymore, only the D10 SP is available, (where I've looked anyways), and I want one, but want to wait until the better technology is in the D10.

i would recommend lights using AA just so you only have to carry 1 type of batteries.
the cr123a has every advantage except price and availibilty. but if you dont already have cr123a or a rechargable set up, stick with AA battery lights. it will be easier on your wallet.
Thanks, will consider this point

id recommend fenix L2d or LD20 over the quark AAx2, mainly because of battery efficency, especially if you are using alkalines. the fenix regulates those batteries better. the quark is brighter though. but if brightness was the issue, get something bigger since the AAx2 lights arent really pocket lights. both are exceptional lights.
Is there a BIG difference in between the runtimes of the fenix and the quark, because I would prefer perhaps that brighter beam, and the moonlight mode that the quark has, and fenix does not have.

have you considered the zebralight h501w (warm tint) uses 1 AA battery and would be very useful for camping. its a flood light/head lamp, and very small. and very bright for what it is.

Yep this is what I reckon would be pretty good, is there reviews of this on CPF? I think there are.

So without having looked at other brands, I am thinking of a quark tactical, either AA2 or 123-2, and then buying the other battery type's body tube.
I just ordered the Quark 2AA for survival use because of the low mode. I travel for a living and want a light with me that can run a month if that is what it takes to get home. I am pretty sure it will be plenty durable.

I like the non tactical version better. Access to multiple modes quickly is the way to go.
I like the non tactical version better. Access to multiple modes quickly is the way to go.

I like the tactical UI better, for that momentary on, and I like being able to have a mode pre set to the loose or tight head, so when i turn it on, it will always come on to that mode.
And when you say access to multiple modes quicker, can't you do that on the quark tactical when the head is tightened, by cycling through the modes, simply by clicking, just like on theregular quark, can't remember what the video said.
And +1 for moonlight, the low low mode is a big sale point for me.
I think when I can, I'll buy the quark tatical AA2, for ease of batteries, then maybe a 123-3 or 123 body tube, for performance and if I have enough left over, maybe a zebra headlamp.
Thanks for your input everyone, and I got to stop asking so many questions

Oh an one last note, if I were to order one asap, would it arrive in Australia by Christmas time? I think I may be pushing it...

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I like the tactical UI better, for that momentary on, and I like being able to have a mode pre set to the loose or tight head, so when i turn it on, it will always come on to that mode.
And when you say access to multiple modes quicker, can't you do that on the quark tactical when the head is tightened, by cycling through the modes, simply by clicking, just like on theregular quark, can't remember what the video said.
And +1 for moonlight, the low low mode is a big sale point for me.
I think when I can, I'll buy the quark tatical AA2, for ease of batteries, then maybe a 123-3 or 123 body tube, for performance and if I have enough left over, maybe a zebra headlamp.
Thanks for your input everyone, and I got to stop asking so many questions

Oh an one last note, if I were to order one asap, would it arrive in Australia by Christmas time? I think I may be pushing it...


With the tactical, you have one mode with the bezel tight and one with the bezel loosened. You can reprogram both modes to your desired levels, but it is not a quick thing. With the regular operation you still have the "low and high" ranges, but you cans scroll though the modes with soft clicks like the fenix.

If they made a tactical that allowed partial clicking through multiple modes it would be the best of both worlds.
With the tactical, you have one mode with the bezel tight and one with the bezel loosened. You can reprogram both modes to your desired levels, but it is not a quick thing. With the regular operation you still have the "low and high" ranges, but you cans scroll though the modes with soft clicks like the fenix.

If they made a tactical that allowed partial clicking through multiple modes it would be the best of both worlds.

Um I'm a bit confused as to what you mean, as I don't have the torch, but your saying on the regular quark you can change modes by softly pressing, a "half click" if you will, of the button and it will change to the next brightness but on the tactical to change modes you what? have to turn the light off and on again? is that what you mean? Or do you mean that on the tactical UI, you only have access to the two modes that you have programed to the head loosened and head tightened positions, and none of the other modes are available until you reprogram the head loosened or head tightened position to the mode you want? sorry If you've already explained this, I just don't fully get what your saying, or do I? is what i said above correct?

Because if it was the former thing i said about the tactical UI, well that wouldn't bother me too much, but if it was the latter, well that would be a bit annoying
