question about drop ins for a G2 (the pimp my flashlight thread!)


Newly Enlightened
Nov 1, 2008
Flint, michigan
remember im not an expert,

can the surefire G2 accept protected 18650's or 17670's?

i was window shopping again and thought this would be an interesting project for my first ever surefire purchase, i like the simplistic nature of the G2. also would i be wrong to assume that if possible it would be cheaper to start with an incan G2? if not what kind of host would you need for something like this?

anyone who's done any mods to a G2 host please dont hesitate to speak up, im still trying to learn alot here

heat wont be much of an issue for me, i only use my lights in short bursts of a couple seconds, they might stay on for a few minutes at a time at MOST. id also like to add that im not looking at that drop in just for wow factor, i literally need to be able to throw a spot from the street into peoples backyards
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Re: question about drop ins for a G2

CR123's, also called 16340 cells (16 mm wide, 34 mm long) are what your G2 takes in stock format.

Since your G2's tube is meant for 16mm diameter batteries you won't be able to fit 18650's in there since they're 18mm wide. The 17670 might fit (a very tight fit), but others can answer that one as I've never tried it myself.

For the SST-50 drop-in assembly you've choosen; I would choose something else if you want decent throw. The SST-50 lights seem to be for flood above everything else (and my Nailbender SST-50 drop-in at ~500 lumens can't reach from the street all the way to a house's back yard unless it's absolutely pitch black and my eyes are adjusted to the dark).
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

I use protected AW 17670s in my G2 with a SolarForce R2 drop in.

The batteries fit fine. No heat issues with the drop in, but I haven't run it for long periods in high ambient temps either.
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

+1 on AW 17670s with G2's:


In my testing, trapped heat will actually travel down and 'fill up' the metal tube inside the body. The issue is that while its building up there and warming the cell, there's no way to know it without taking the light apart. The recommend solution is either run drop ins pulling under half an amp (500mA) or run with a metal bezel. Either of these will keep heat under control for prolonged uses. Short uses (less than 30 seconds at a time, with at least 1 minute between runs) also works.
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

a good drop-in for throw is the dereelight 3SD with a smooth reflector. It will outthrow a malkoff M60, but the beam if fugly. I run one in a solarforce host that I got for the same price at the G2 (it also came with an 18650 batt and a charger) The solarforce light itself is rather generic, not as sturdy or massive (heavy/full of metal, not size-wise) as my surefire 6P but still more than capable of handling heat and abuse. The 6P still reigns supreme in my opinion but pricewise the solarforce L2 is an excellent compromise. I run the Malkoff M60 in my beat up ole G2 by the way, the lens got bashed out and shes all beat to tar, but when i need a light that i know can take a beating and keep on lighting, its my G2 with that M60.
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

I'm wondering if the G2 will be able to run for extended periods or if I'll have to wait for a M61L for my G2's with Nitrolon heads. The website states not to run continuously for more then 15 minutes in plastic light, but I'm wondering if he's being conservative. Site also states M61 current draw is 650ma at 6 volts.
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

well, think of the nitrolon head as a green house, all the heat that drop-in produces (i don't know its efficiency) will just sit there and incubate the dropin, I HIGHLY doubt that you will damage the M61 before your bezel's gets a bit
jello-y and misshapen. Malkoff's creations are rather robust, and those little LEDs can take a lot in a proper housing, but plastic (or nitrolon) may not, you can always give it a try if you have money to burn/melt...but if you are not prepared to shell out the money for a new drop-in and an aluminum bezel, i wouldn't risk it.
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

thank you for your advice guys. i bought a g2 today and later this week ill probably end up buying a g3 and a 6p since my friends store is having a blowout on surefires. then i can play around with some other combos

ive never had a quality incan light, so having the brightness and the color is a nice change. i really like the g2 alot
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

i love my G2, ran it with a solarforce R2 drop in, changing modes is easy but i like a single mode R2 in it. Currently i am using a Lumens Factory HO-9 with 2xRCR123s and its great!

The G2 with an R2 drop in ran for maybe half an hour, the light got warm but not too hot to hold (my 5 year old nephew was playing with it, best way to test a light's durability, let a kid play with it) and where i live ambient temperature is in the high 20s - mid 30s (celsius).
Re: question about drop ins for a G2

ok so i went out and bought a G3 and a 6P today as well (i finally undertsand why people pay the money for surefires), im thinking a crazy bright/crazy throw LED drop in for one and a crazy bright incan drop in for another and maybe leave one stock. illumination at a distance is the most important factor for my lights

any suggestions from our experts?? what kind of cells should i be running with either drop in???

what kind of reflector or optic/ drop in combinations should i be looking into?? money is not an issue, remember i do have a catapult its just too big to use at work all the time though.

lights i am looking to squash:
TK11 (turbo mode)
PD30 (turbo mode)
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you might want to have a look at this beamshot compilation, some of the lights there can throw pretty darn far and the TA30 is one of those (IMHO).

I own the TA30 and run it off 2x17500s, it can outthrow my G2 with 2xRCR123s on a lumens factory HO-9 but i find the G2's tint nicer. If you're looking for a pocket sized thrower, i think CPF-er joshconsulting has one for sale, DBS with SST-50 IIRC.

For surefires using P60 drop ins, i think the malkoff dropins or nailbender dropins would be your best bet.
So, if someone were to want to run a higher powered dropin in their G2, and wanted to swap out the plastic bezel/head for an aluminum one, where would one get just the aluminum bezel/head at a fair price?

[edit] Nevermind, once I figured out the bezel is called a Z44, I was able to pick one in the MP WTS: Flashlights & Parts for 20 beans shipped. That and a M61 XP-G on the way from Malkoff, and my G2 will be pimped. Now all that I need is some McClicky switch dubs for that tailcap ...
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I got 4 G2s and al take 17670 batteris:twothumbs
my winter edc is black G2 with M60LL and 17670 and summar is 6P with M30W and 18650
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