Question about fireworks.


Jun 20, 2007
Hi all,
Recently I've been looking in to making some flash powder, and I have a few questions about the legality of it. Is flash powder outlawed federally, or just in states. Also, is it illegal to order the ingredients to make it (Alluminum powder and potassium perchlorate) (SP). I found a few websites that sell this and I am hesitant because I really don't want to get flagged by the FBI as a terrorist :p. Does anyone have any insight?
I would call the BATF. They'll be in the phone book. Believe it or not, when I've had a technical firearm question they've been very helpful.
No, It is not illegal. It's not considered a firework. Some companies may have reservations about selling you the ingredients to make it, but it in and of itself isn't illegal as far as the government is concerned. However, unless you're knowledgeable in things that can go boom, I would be very careful making it. 4 years in special effects/pyrotech taught me that messing with things I wasn't good at ended without eyebrows. You won't get flagged on any websites for buying the ingredients. It's like buying a tire-spike system for your car. It may have actual practical purposes (I.E. you being pursued by someone with malicious intent), but it could be used for something malicious as well. It's all in how you use it.

Long post short, nope not illegal. Sorry for my long winded reply.

Having flash powder should be legal. You can actually buy flash powder directly from magic shops but usually that will be on the expensive side. As jufam44 said, don't mess with it unless you know what you are doing (and even then you should be careful).

One magic shop lists the following for their flash powder:

For $20 (and at least $20 more for shipping)

Flash Powder (White A & B Flash Powder) The safest and most popular Flash Powder. When ignited, this powder produces a flash of fire and a puff of smoke. Sold as a kit of two bottles for safe shipping, you mix them together to create the flash powder. Contains enough materials for 8-10 flashes. Caution-never use flash powder in a handheld device!

NOTICE: Due to Federal Shipping restrictions and special handling and costs past on by shippers, all shipments containing flash products including all types of flash powders, flash papers, flash string and cotton, etc.. will have a $20 surcharge addded to the shipping price.
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