Question about Universal Smart Charger for 9.6V - 18V NiMH Battery Packs


Oct 12, 2005
San Diego
I have this Charger.

I use this charger to charge my FM 9AA pack for my Mag85 and it works just fine.

The problem I am having currently is that I have a TK 40 from Fenix and I thought I would be able to use this charger for that as well since it has an 8AA pack.

When I attach it to my charger however it just blinks at me as if saying "you've gotta be kidding me"

After thinking about it some I realized that the TK40 pack circuit is actually based on two sets of 4AA in parralell which dumps the voltage down below what the charger states it can be used for. I believe this is my problem.

My question is is there an inexpensive way to get those batts in series without buying anything that won't be usefull to me? The Fenix pack is proprietary and also fairly easy and fast to load so it would be sort of expensive and worthless to buy another one.

I'm looking for real world suggestions using any household or common materials such as tubing etc to make something that is reliable and stable. size or configuration is unimportant since I won't be using it in the light itself , just for charging. I do have a 4 cell charger, but I want to get my moneys worth out of my smart charger and do all cells with one cycle.

Oh and once they are in series, whats a reliable way to quick connect to them. I saw some threads about magnets and I'm wondering if this would work with enelopes and is it efficient. If not I'd prefer an end to end presure containment either as one long tube or two shorter ones wired in series with posts or something to connect to.

I can figure this out myself, but I was just thinking some of you probably made your own as well and I thought, why not benefit from experience and make something nicer.

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