Question for Fenix experts

it is not meant to. you will notice that your l2p has anodizing on all the threads, whereas for your L1D, the anodizing is only on one of the threads. I am unsure if they will even thread, but if they do, you will be losing all but your turbo and strobe mode (again, IF they are even able to thread).
the l2d body is thinner,
the l1d head dont even touches the threads
L1Digital meaning....all the modes..

L1P older version, that just happens to have luxeon

L1T different UI,its the twist head thing. Just so happens that they were the last light fenix offered that had Rebels in them...

Here's what I have posted about Fenix's naming system(also on the Welcome Mat):

Here's how it works. All are Type 3/HA unless otherwise stated.

E = AAA powered
P = CR123 powered
L = AA or AAA powered
T = CR123 powered with a forward clickie, two mode, tighten for high, loosen for low, uses a Cree XR-E Q5 LED (for now; when they add more models, this might change)

0 = 1 AAA powered, for the E series, 1 5mm LED, currently the Nichia CS, all twisties.
01 = 1 AAA powered, E series, multicolor anodizing, 1 5mm Nichia GS.
1 = 1 battery, for the E series, 1 Nichia Power LED, For the P series, a twistie.
2 = 2 battery powered or for the P series, 1 CR123 with a clickie
3 = For the P series 2 CR123 powered
10 = T10, an "Improved" version of the T1 with a removable grip ring, Aluminum bezel, and removable clip. Performance is not changed.

+ = Special stainless steel run, a small run prototype that Fenix sold
P = "Premium" Luxeon I, V2.0 means 2 modes, Luxeon
S = Two mode (tighten for high, loosen for low) Luxeon I, Type II andodizing
T = Two mode (tighten for high, loosen for low) Luxeon III, V2.0 means Rebel 80, twice the output
D = Digital, Multimode
CE = Cree XR-E LED, newer and at least twice as efficient as the Luxeon I/III LEDs. For the same power, it puts out twice or more output
Rebel 80/100 = Luxeon Rebel 80/100 used, usually has a warmer tint
No designation = Luxeon I or III

If there is a thing after the CE, that is to designate the Bin of the Cree XR-E LED used. Q5 means it uses the Cree XR-E Q5 LED. No designation after the CE means it uses the P3 or P4, depending on date of manufacturing.

The Civictor V1 is a 1 AA twistie with Type II anodizing. There was a multimode stainless steel model made.

There was a special Titanium version of the L0D made. It was called the L0D Ti. There was also a Christmas version(red type II anodizing with Christmas decorations) called the L0D SE. There is also a Q4 version.

I hope that helps.(I understand that this is a bit of an overkill)
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I appreciate the info also. And I would further appreciate if someone could explain to me the difference between the different XRE bins used in the L1D CE. I got one of the early ones when it was first introduced and I've kind of been out of the loop on what's been happening since then.

I have been really getting a lot of use out my early model L1D- CE. I especially love the way I can use it for low level room illumination on low in candlestick mode and it just seems to run forever on a single rechargeable AA.

I'm just curious as to how different the newer models are and whether I should be thinking about upgrading yet?
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I appreciate the info also. And I would further appreciate if someone could explain to me the difference between the different XRE bins used in the L1D CE. I got one of the early ones when it was first introduced and I've kind been out of the loop on what's been happening since then.

This thread here: has a table with all the bin codes.

And here is a direct link to the table:

The current bin used on Cree leds are Q5.
Thanks for those links. So, from looking at the chart it would appear that the new Q5 L1D's are quite a bit brighter than the P3 that probably is in mine. Does it also mean that they are more efficient? Is the brightness difference really noticeable or is it pretty subtle?

Thanks for helping me to understand.
The Q5 LEDs are more efficient then the lower bins. They should be 30-40% more efficient then the P3 bin.

It might be 30% brighter, but it won't seem like a huge improvement. Noticeable but not amazing. This is because out eyes don't sense light linearly.
Thanks. One more question on this.

Would the Q5 bin emitter give a longer runtime or would it just be a bit brighter for the same runtime as the older bin emitter?
I got the powerpack AND an L2D body from Lighthound and the Q5 head fits all three of them.
The tail switch is different between the AA and the 123 tubes though.
Thanks. One more question on this.

Would the Q5 bin emitter give a longer runtime or would it just be a bit brighter for the same runtime as the older bin emitter?

Fenix just replaced the led and did not change the driver. This means that it will be a bit brighter and have the same runtime.

The runtime may even be a bit shorter for some leds, a parameter called Vf may change between bins, and a higher Vf will give a shorter runtime.

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