Question: MTE 5-mode SSC


Aug 17, 2006
S.E. Florida
Just got the MTE C2, 70602
5-Mode SSC 42180, 1XAA (1.2v - 1.5v)

Impressive output on an alkaline, Duracell (1.52v)
If it wasn't for the backwards order on output selection, I would say that this beats a Rex 2.0 (running a 1.5v) on all points.

Has anyone had the courage to try a 14500 yet ?
Ooh, could you please post more info, your thoughts and impressions on machining quality, overall quality, etc. and pics? I was thinking about picking one of these up. I actually ordered the Cree one, but it's sold out and I got refunded, so I've been eyeing the SSC one.

Pics would be great too!

I was thinking abt getting one. LGCubana, can you see if the light uses PWM for the normal and low modes ?
If it's PWM, you will notice a strobe effect when moving the light quickly or when shining it at a spinning object like a computer fan.

Any single white LED light designed for 1.5 V operation is operated out of spec at 4.2 V (fully-charged LiIon). This is because the step-up circuits are not able to lower the voltage much, the LED at least sees the battery voltage minus schottky diode forward voltage. Any regulation designed into such a circuit is overridden with a fully-charged LiIon, this is why lights are initially brighter when powerd from fully-charged LiIons. Brighter means higher LED current. Since the current is not controlled any more, it's a matter of luck how long a light survives under these conditions.

If however you are able to control your charger to terminate the charge of your cells at 3.6 V, your light should be pretty safe. Sure you lose runtime, but at the same time you extend the life of your LiIons.
well I believe I got one instead off the Single mode. Indeed mine says C2 on the body, but I could not access the multi mode functions...
How is this done?

Also I would second the Rexlight comment above. The MTE speciment is sturdier with thicker walls a bit heavier though...Still feels more solid...

Enjoy, kostas
The 5 mode is model C2-70602

I did the fan test. On low mode, the light does not exhibit the illusion of the blades slowly rotating; like the Rex.

I just recv'd 3 of the single mode AA, SSC. All 3 are having contact issues.

But when they do work, the output isn't quite as bright as the 5 mode, AA.
Does anyone know how this compares to the jetbeam CL-E? I have been wanting to pick up another light. I hate to get another 1xAA light (i like to have variety) but I really want to be able to carry whatever I buy. I already have a few lights around the apartment and one in the car, so the more I can EDC...the better.

I just want to make sure its as bright or brighter.