question on cree mc-e LEDs


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2009
I've seen a triple mc-e drop in on the cpf marketplace for a three cell maglite, ni-mh D cells. It is said to be running at 3.6vdc, with 700ma to each die, in 2s2p configuration. What I don't understand is how 3.6volts can be powering this many dies (12 total) at 700ma each. In 2s2p for one mce, shouldn't it need 7.4v at 1400ma? And with three mces in series, wouldn't it need 22.2v for them all? Forgive my lack of understanding, I am still very much a noobie to led tech. I think I may not have explained my question well, either.
For that to work like you describe, it sounds like it's arranged with everything parallel, and driven at 2.8A.
The 3.6 volts is probably referring to the battery voltage, either 3 NIMH/NICAD rechargables or a single/parallel lithiuim ion arrangement. With a boost driver this is not an issue. As long as the current demands don't exceed the battery's capability, the voltage is mostly unrelated to the LED as long as it's within the driver's operating range.
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