Quick 9v battery light


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 1, 2007
SW Ohio
I used two flux LEDs in series with a 150 ohm resistor all connected to a 9v battery snap. After shrink tubing the board, I cut holes for the LED dome and rubber banded it to a battery. I snapped one side on the battery and swivel the other contact to act as a switch. Your good for 10 hours of light.

Anyone wanting to make a floody low power light should forget the 5mm LEDs and try Flux LEDs. These are rated 20ma and blow 5mm LEDs away. They seem to have a rectangular die and are far brighter.


Anyone wanting to make a floody low power light should forget the 5mm LEDs and try Flux LEDs. These are rated 20ma and blow 5mm LEDs away. They seem to have a rectangular die and are far brighter.
Now you tell me! :ohgeez:

That looks really nice. I wonder if the Flux LEDs can be mounted on top of the 9V battery connector instead of on a separate board? That should make it a lot more compact and probably a bit more reliable (K.I.S.S).

Thanks for posting this. I'll have to give it a try, now!
Flux LED's? I don't need no stinkin' flux led's! :D
Just kidding... great 9v light. It's time I got around to making one too. I'll just use up some CS led's I have sat around gathering dust though :shrug:
I refuse to order any more LED's till 2010! Enough! :laughing:
The flux LEDs may not fit on the connector with a switch and resistor, but it is still possible to epoxy a board on top of the connector. My project was quick and dirty.

Mine are on a 4 year old heavy duty battery. Some church left them at the doors in the neighborhood for our smoke detectors. (mine already has a good battery) I use the light every night for 1/2 an hour since last weekend and it is still bright.

I plan to build some footwell lights for my car using these leds. I have quite a bit of plans for them.
Do you have a link to these LEDs?

These are from ebay seller lvehk "Light of victory" There are a lot of LED sellers on ebay, but from my dealings, this one seems to offer the best products at a fair price. Yes they cost more than some of the cheapo sellers, but they are better.

Compared to "superbrightleds.com" flux LED (expensive at $1), these are brighter. They are not color binned however and vary in color. Check my test of these in the LED forum posted on 1/28.