Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2006
Dark! Dank! Murky! England.
What is the CS like, your views appreciated.
I ordered something two days ago :ohgeez:not even a acknowledgment of order recieved,:sigh:
what is my likely hood of even getting what I ordered.:caution:
I don't mean to be rude,but communication is king, I will email you within 7 hours.is it that hard. :shrug:
Anyway I just want to know what to expect good or bad. :)
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Dont worry, you will get your order from Rick. when he is busy which is most all of the time, replying to many emails slows down his production

Btw, can you tell us what you are expecting.. :whistle:

I have a very nice XM18 :devil:
His rep is superb , stuff is in hi demand . He is a very busy dude . The products I have seen are well worth the wait.
I have one of his titanium kubatons with a long stike bezel and bullet end (in anodized blue)...and let me say that these are some of the highest quality kubos you will ever find. Light but very strong...versatile and well worth every dime you spend on them.

Mr. Hinderer is very busy and it has taken a bit of time for him to get back to me on occasion but he alwyas does.

They don't come any nicer than him.

You made a great choice!
I have one of his titanium kubatons with a long stike bezel and bullet end (in anodized blue)...and let me say that these are some of the highest quality kubos you will ever find. Light but very strong...versatile and well worth every dime you spend on them.

Mr. Hinderer is very busy and it has taken a bit of time for him to get back to me on occasion but he alwyas does.

They don't come any nicer than him.

You made a great choice!
I have to agree now! I revived my Ti kubaton and it is worth every penny.
The one I have is flame ano with small nub installed,I still have two outstanding ends yet to come i.e a long strike bezel and key ring attachment.
Even though these are a week over due,listening to you guys has given me a new level of patients :twothumbs

[edited] I may post pics! later.
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Rick is extremely busy.

You can also order from dealers.
