Ra Clicky Part 3

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Feb 17, 2004
Brooklyn, New York

Lux that date would be perfect to ASK for one to a girlfriend/wife ;) ; unless the woman is a flashaholic your going to have it thrown back to you.... hey wait a minute, thats not a bad idea...
Hola Senor,
I owe you a pm reply. Pronto, after this post.....

If I am understanding you correctly, you offer a Clicky to the girl of your wildest dreams, knowing that she will not accept it because she won't know how to use it. She gives it back to you, along with hugs and kisses, looks into your eyes and tenderly whispers "it's the thought that counts." There you have it, you just acquired another Clicky, and you are a big hit with your amora! You are a genius.




Feb 17, 2004
Brooklyn, New York
Henry and others,

For better or for worse, my brain has been working at warp speed while waiting for the Clicky to be available. I am going to assume that the Clicky will have the same feature as the "competition's" user customizable lights and your EDC lights, namely Tactical Momentary Mode. I highly doubt that you would "exclude" it from the Clicky, after working so hard to make it the most durable light in your arsenal? So here is my thought. Let's say that a user turns on the light and goes to burst mode, then enters the Options Menu and enables Tactical Momentary Mode. Will a button press/hold action keep burst mode active for the ten seconds and then drop to 100lm level as would be the case under normal use? Will the light immediately switch to the previous level used, if the user releases the button before the ten seconds transpires? Do you see any practical or tactical use for enabling tactical momentary mode to work in conjunction with burst mode?

Is it my imagination, but is the locator flash in both the EDC and "competition's" lights about as low as level 1 (0.08lm)? If so, it could be a little brighter so that it can somewhat reflect off a high ceiling in a room where your eyes are dark adapted.

I was also thinking of a way to avoid the ten seconds of burst mode (140lm/100lm = level 23) when planning to use 100lm on a regular basis, while keeping it assigned to the high preset. One can pick a preset that is rarely used, and sacrifice it by assigning level 22 (100lm) to that preset. For example, if one rarely uses the 0.07lm level of low (like in my case), and wants to use the 100lm level often, then assign level 22 to that preset. When one wants to use burst mode after being at the 100lm preset, and wants to shorten the ten second wait, then click the button before the ten seconds is up, and return to the 100lm preset. One click to interrupt burst mode returns the light to the previously used level.....in this case 100lm!! My setup will probably be burst mode for high, 100lm for primary, 35lm for secondary and 10lm for low. This is the beauty of Henry's lights.....the user is the Boss!



Mar 12, 2008
East Tennessee
But that is kinda my point...how can somebody new to the HDS/RA line be expected to pay upwards of $200 for an EDC light and not know what the emitter is going to be? It's not like that question hasn't been asked in the previous 40 pages. It has. And it has received no reply.

If these lights are already in production-as has been alluded to here in the past few days-then Henry already knows what the LED will be in all the versions of the light.

Why not just let this cat out of the bag? Everything else about the light has been disclosed. Surely one can understand that it is not a completely stupid question to wonder what type of LED I may be getting in a light that I may order. This is the only manufacturer that I have ever seen do this...like it's some sort of secret or something.

nobody buys a mercedes benz and worries about who makes the engine:poke::grin2:, just trust a tradition of quality


Oct 29, 2007
nobody buys a mercedes benz and worries about who makes the engine:poke::grin2:, just trust a tradition of quality

I bought the very last year of production of the International Scout with diesel engine (1980). Loved the darn thing and let it go at 146,000 miles and still running great. Never should have sold it.
The engine in it was a Nissan diesel engine.

My current vehicle is a Dodge Ram diesel with, you guessed it, a Cummins diesel engine.

I have no problem with whatever LED is chosen for the Clicky as long as the whole "package" of the product performs as intended. If the LED fails or is a nasty color or a crappy beam, then it would be up to RA/HDS to make good on the product, not the maker of the LED.

Surefire, easily the largest and most prestigious of the specialty flashlight companies, doesn't say much if anything about the LED's they use.
I've got a half dozen Surefires, and I don't care which LED's each uses as long as I like the qualities and color of the beam.

As much as I am disappointed with the delays and the most recent changes to the Clicky (discontinuing the Plus model even before it was produced and that I pre-paid for), the last thing I'm worried about is which LED it will have. Henry has built a reputation that whatever LED he chooses, it will be right for the job.

I'm buying a sophisticated light that will perform a certain way because of it's overall design. I'm not just buying an LED.


Nov 2, 2005
Cambria, CA: Home of PK's Beast-Toss
Bloody hell, Jeff, I turn my back on this place for a few days and look at all the mischief you're stirring up! I'm digging through page after page of Clicky material... ok, time for a monster post! (Sorry, everyone. ;) )

That is my opinion as well. If there are only so many that meet the higher standard of the now defunct 120-Cxx, make them and give them to the first ones who pre-ordered. Pick a pre-order date and say that orders made after that will not be getting 120's (170's?).
If that is the case, and there just were not enough extra high efficiency emitters available to go around, then I completely understand Henry's decision.
I hope I'm not spilling any secrets, but I think it only benefits Henry to have it known, since there seems to be so much confusion concerning the reasons for dropping the premium models. Henry told me he is unable to guarantee even a single 120 would have been possible in the first batch, the necessary emitters are that rare. I don't know if emitter supply has changed since the 120Ts were made or if the LEDs used in the 120 Twisties still wouldn't be capable of the 170 burst, but apparently the 120C as a production model in any significant numbers is just not possible at this time; it's more than product line simplification.

Those of you who remember me
How could anyone forget!
I have been watching the Clicky threads with great enthusiasm, calculating the best time to come back.....with a vengeance.....
So the time has finally come... I've been waiting for this day with great trepidation.
and greater enthusiasm than before.
Oh no! :eek: I really hope that's not possible!

Look at Enzo. His heart has been broken. Can a 100lm light manage to mend that broken heart? :D Only time will tell.
A "little birdy" tells me it might not even get the chance...

My only problem is the insane price increase for "Guaranteed Tint". I mean honestly, a $50 price increase on an LED that costs under $10 total. I can see how this was effective back in 2003 when a T bin Lux 3 was super rare, but now every $50 flashlight is using a Q5 WC.

For the price of the GT upgrade you can buy an entire flashlight! Am I the only one who sees this for what it is?
A great option for the obsessive crazies who have found an excellent tint to be very valuable to them? Unfortunately, I'm an obsessive crazy, so I'm getting hit with the $50 penalty. When the Clicky models were announced, I had to think long and hard about whether I wanted to spend an extra 50 for a higher output model... but there was never any doubt about getting GT, far more valuable to me, for my uses, in my experience.

I'm going to claim that NOBODY here understands why [the burst timer is] there.
I actually do have an idea on that, but it's just my theory so I've refrained from publicly discussing it here since-- oh, hi Jeff, your explanation looks mighty familiar, did you have some help with that? :D Yeah, my idea is very similar to the explanation Jeff gave; I think it's a soft hand guiding us toward treating the lights in a sensible way that will prolong their life and runtime, but not entirely forcing us to. People tend to be thoughtless; they turn on a light, see how much it can put out, and leave it there, more is better. This light doesn't allow that, you have to think to get more light, thoughtlessness will automatically drop you back into sensible usage. Is this insulting to the user? Yeah, maybe; we all want to say "but that's not us, we're refined and knowledgeable users." That's true, for the most part, but this light isn't a custom job just for us, it's a production light intended for serious use by all kinds of people, so it's designed to function well with all kinds of people, even (maybe unfortunately) normal people. It's been my thought for a while that burst likely creates so much heat so quickly that banging it into the thermal limit each time probably isn't ideal for the emitter in the long run, though the protection still doing its job of keeping it at a basically safe temperature. So instead, we get a burst that is long enough for most of what we'd use a burst for, and if we want to push into territory that could deteriorate the emitter over time and shorten our runtime unnecessarily, we have to work at it a little. But.... I was only half right:
The selection of parameters has nothing to do with emitter aging or the like. Our exceptional thermal path, thermal limiting and constant power drive take care of those issues very nicely. Utility is the primary parameter.
I see now that my guess about aging was incorrect; thank you for clearing that up, Henry. So, as with the one hour minimum on high limits, it's a matter of guiding the user towards efficient battery usage and the most effective use of the light in most real world situations.

I am not sure how to calculate the added distance covered by the higher output light...
Sure you are! Go back and check my email from about a month and a half ago, I gave you the percentage differences and throw calculations for every model (then) available.

A lot of people here are true flashaholics, and true flashaholics are also true gadget freaks. Gadget freaks love to have as much control as possible over their gadgets, and Clicky (by the sounds of it) is just the right kind of light for such people.
Absolutely true, but the Clicky is not intended to be just the right light for *only* those kinds of people.

I hope all have PAID for their clickies by this time--talk is cheap, REAL cheap! If you wish to support Ra (and I do), walk the walk folks! Lets see those greenbacks. :poke:
Since the kind retailers handling the preorders appear quite willing to give a refund at any time, it would seem that paying is also cheap. As I recall, Jeff was one of those who took their time in paying up; judging by the tear he's back on these days, you may not want to force that issue with him... :poke:

Not to worry PeterK, it's clear to me paxxus is not familiar with Peter Gransee who had, at one time, affiliation with Henry Schneiker in the development of the Arc4+ when Gransee operated the original Arc company.
That, of all things, is clear to you? Paxxus' familiarity with Gransee, or lack thereof, is not evident in or relevant to his post; he simply comprehended what was being said correctly on the first try. Not cool to take such a nasty and condescending tone with someone to cover up your own mistake. Suck it up, move on, and let everyone forget about it; don't pile abuse on a newer member in hopes he might not be up on his history. He's a good member, show some respect.

PS.: Of course I know who "Peter Gransee" is ;)
See, there we have it.

Hey Guys,
calm down, please.
If this was meant to introduce myself somewhere in this forum I'll do so :cool:
the "Peter"
Don't worry about it, you did nothing wrong and were adequately clear.

Welcome to CPF and to the thread that was intended to share the beauty of the best little light east of the Rockies.
What are you trying to say about the west of the rockies? Your comment smacks of soci-- er, disloyalty! :poke:

The Clicky is the only flashlight I am looking forward to and I have been holding off buying any other flashlights for 2+ months now.
High five! :thumbsup: We're in the same boat.

But that is kinda my point...how can somebody new to the HDS/RA line be expected to pay upwards of $200 for an EDC light and not know what the emitter is going to be? It's not like that question hasn't been asked in the previous 40 pages. It has. And it has received no reply.
This is the only manufacturer that I have ever seen do this...like it's some sort of secret or something.
If we know exactly what the emitter can *do*, who cares what it *is*? LED racism, you might call it. If you must know, the C and Cn will almost certainly use the SSC and Osram Golden Dragon emitters, respectively, because those are what's in the Twisties. And disclosure of exactly what emitter is in a given light is actually a somewhat new thing in the flashlight world, I didn't see much of it before a couple years ago.

The cat IS out of the bag. It's an LED that puts a minimum of 140 measured lumens out the front on burst, 100 lumens out the front for one hour on max, and if you dig through the info you'll find the spec's for every other level. Name another manufacturer that gives as specific and accurate specs for their lights. Just because other manufacturers base their lights on LED models (with planned obsolescence as soon as the next bin of the LED is available) doesn't mean everyone has to follow suit. By not marketing the Clicky as an "SSC P4", "XR-E R2" or "Golden Dragon Plus", HDS/Ra maintains the option of replacing/upgrading the LED at anytime for any reason without having the rev the marketing literature or re-educating the sales channels.
Yes, very nice, what gswitter said.

Umm...Surefire...Pelican...want me to name some more???
Surefire with their "specific and accurate," calibrated outputs? :crackup: Good luck with that argument.

Did you mean every other manufacturer? How about you do some naming for me...name me one other manufacturer that DOESN'T disclose the emitter being used...
Well.... Surefire? Pelican? As far as I can recall, SF has only disclosed what emitter is being used on their latest lights. They may have pointed out when the L1 switched to a 3w emitter, but I haven't seen much detail beyond that. Where on the official site does SF tell us that the L1 is now using a cree? Official Pelican site, new lights section, where do they name the emitter used? Your own example companies fail you.

I haven't been around here all that long and maybe I'm naive. But all I really care about is that Henry's lights work -- every time, in every situation. That's what I am paying for.
:twothumbs No naivety there, you've got the right attitude.

Hey! Mine has a K2. I had to pay a hefty sum for it, but it's built as advertised ;)
Well... the second one, at least. :D:poke:

Is it my imagination, but is the locator flash in both the EDC and "competition's" lights about as low as level 1 (0.08lm)? If so, it could be a little brighter so that it can somewhat reflect off a high ceiling in a room where your eyes are dark adapted.
This is definitely a matter of preference. For me, the locator flashes are already too bright to use in the kind of darkness where they'd be useful. Every time I try to give it a chance, I quickly have to turn it back off because I'm being driven nuts by the entire area being lit up by a bounce reflection bright enough to walk around by, for a fraction of a second, every three seconds. But I'm mainly referring to the brighter NT with its less accurately calibrated low, don't remember how bad I found the HDS EDC version to be, except that even that was too bright to leave on. I'd really like to see a locator that's down more around tritium level.

just trust a tradition of quality
This might be the one flashlight company where that is actually good advice. HDS products have earned the faith we have in them.

Ok I'll head back under my rock now.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
Nah, I "took the bait" and it clearly isn't worth it! Your "thoughts" always entertaining--a spot on stage for you in the future....somewhere I'm sure!:crackup:

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Feb 17, 2004
Brooklyn, New York
"If the LED fails or is a nasty color or a crappy beam, then it would be up to RA/HDS to make good on the product, not the maker of the LED."

"Henry has built a reputation that whatever LED he chooses, it will be right for the job."
Although component choice is important in a consumer product, I will agree with the portions of your post I quoted above.

Henry knows that he is responsible for all facets of his lights' performance. We must ALL remember that Henry has always provided a full lifetime warranty and has had a reputation of honoring it, even in my case. I think that until Henry does us wrong, we should not treat him as if he did. All of my lights are great performers, so he is still a good guy in my eyes. "Innocent until proven guilty", is my way of treating people, and it works for me! :thumbsup:


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thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
I'm not sure why so many are having a hard time understanding why there is a time limit for the burst mode.Henry has said it many times.To push an led that hard for a long time "and you all know we would" you will beat the crap out of the led and have run times that would be measured in mere minutes.The set time limit seams right to me and should perform as Henry designed it for. To give you a BURST of light when you need it to see something you cant at your normal settings.Trust me as a hunter/camper i think this is going to be a great feature.Many times when in the woods at night or early morning i have had to switch from low to high very quickly to check something out and once i have seen what it was i needed to see would go right back to my lower level.It's going to work out just fine folks.Trust the man,I think he knows what he is talking about. DAN


May 29, 2006
I'm not sure why so many are having a hard time understanding why there is a time limit for the burst mode.Henry has said it many times.To push an led that hard for a long time "and you all know we would" you will beat the crap out of the led and have run times that would be measured in mere minutes.
The 10 sec timer has nothing to do with protecting the LED, there's already the superior thermal management system to do that. Please see SaturnNyne's post #348 where he quite nicely summarizes his thoughts on the issue as well as including the quote from Henry's post which clearly indicate that "utility" was the driving force.


Feb 17, 2004
Brooklyn, New York
I guess that I'm just no good and dirty rotten scoundrel as well. Those are my GOOD points! :whistle:

This post is a great undertaking, proving to me that you take all of our comments seriously.

Obviously, the flamboyant manner in which I returned to this hallowed place is not a sign of my immodesty, but rather my commitment to a product in which I believe and a guy in whom I put my trust.

Waiting "with great trepidation" huh? Sounds serious!

I must admit, I am a guy with great enthusiasm when it comes to my lights.

Tell me it isn't so that Enzo will not be indulging in a Clicky?

No Sir, I have spoken to nobody whose first name starts with the letter "H", to help me form my opinion about the rational for the burst mode timeout. In fact, it was Henry's last "slap on the hand" post that showed me that runtime enhancement was his reason for the timeout, and not premature emitter aging due to overheating. While you and I were "only half right", what happened to the other half?

I found the email and have looked at your calculated increase in throw with each rise in level. It just shows that an increase in output gives a slight increase in throw. But that might matter to those who will be buying the 140Cn model.

The Clicky is surely the light "for the commoner." CPF members seem to worship every aspect of their lights, while laypeople just use them and don't want to know anything beside "how do I turn on this thing?"
Sad but true. Henry must cater to the least common denominator as well as aficiondos like us, to make a living.

I will have you know, Sir, that I lived in Southern California for sixteen years before moving back to Crooklyn. My reference to the Rockies was a variation of the old west saying "east of the Rio Grande." Most of our international comrades wouldn't know what that means, but most would have heard of the Rockies. Am I exonerated of all guilt?

As hard of a time we are all having disciplining ourselves into not buying flashlights indiscrimately, some of us can control our primitive urge to buy every light that will fit into our domiciles.

Henry can conceal his emitter choices in his publications. But by looking down the barrel of our lights, we can tell what they are without reading about them.
This makes the entire mystery of "which emitter is he using" not so mysterious at all!!!

gswitter writes just like Henry. Maybe he IS Henry! :laughing:

SF has the most uncalculated all over the place output specs. I have seen. But their fine reputation is built on publishing conservative output numbers. I would much rather deal with a manufacturer like Henry, who gives us XXlm when he tells us he is giving us XXlm! I use my HDS lights as reference lights, when comparing the outputs of other lights.

Indeed, no manufacturer I know elaborates on their emitters. It is the word of mouth from each of us that informs the rest of us of their choices.

I am amazed that a one engineer organization like Ra/HDS, can nail a production light so well time and time again. It is because of this pattern, that I am not bothered by delays in "month" units. Consider many of the "one man show" manufacturers (modders?) on CPF who already have our money and have been delayed in delivering product in "year" units of time? Now that is outrageous!

In reference to the locator flash level that should not be impairing our dark adapted eyes, I ask....did somebody say "tritium?" I recently bought an HDS light with a SS lens ring and three tritium vials. Without a doubt, that solution is the best way I have found to locate my light in near total darkness. My advice is to make every attempt to deploy these vials in your HDS lights, and forget about the locator flash's intensity. Does anybody think that powernoodle's HDS light locator flash endurance test will last for 12 years, the half life of a tritium vial?

You are too refined to be living under a rock, so don't demean yourself in that way. :twothumbs




Dec 18, 2004
Massachusetts, USA
There is no reason why Burst can't be around 200 lumens since it only lasts 10 seconds.

I am kinda suprized that Novatac has been producing a 120 lumen light for over a year now, and clicky is only rated max 100 lumens. I do understand that it will run 100 lumens for 1 hour guaranteed - very nice, but since this is a programmable light with over 20 levels there is no reason i see - why for these who want or need more brightenss it is not provided.

Ideally with todays LED technology I would want the Clicky to give 200 lumens for 30 second boost.
Still a great and well engineered light - just the brightness levels it provides are behind the times.
Maybe in few months it will be offered with the MC-E? :naughty:

I'm not sure why so many are having a hard time understanding why there is a time limit for the burst mode.Henry has said it many times.To push an led that hard for a long time "and you all know we would" you will beat the crap out of the led and have run times that would be measured in mere minutes.The set time limit seams right to me and should perform as Henry designed it for. To give you a BURST of light when you need it to see something you cant at your normal settings.Trust me as a hunter/camper i think this is going to be a great feature.Many times when in the woods at night or early morning i have had to switch from low to high very quickly to check something out and once i have seen what it was i needed to see would go right back to my lower level.It's going to work out just fine folks.Trust the man,I think he knows what he is talking about. DAN

Enzo Morocioli

Jan 23, 2007
Cambria, CA

Tell me it isn't so that Enzo will not be indulging in a Clicky?

I will own a total of two Clickys.

Yes, it is a product of indulgence. But also, a product of purpose.

Leave me out of the quibbles, please. I've come to my understanding of Ra, and will let the warm rays of light shine upon me when it is time.

Our words here can only do so much. Wield them attentively.


Feb 17, 2004
Brooklyn, New York
I will own a total of two Clickys.

Yes, it is a product of indulgence. But also, a product of purpose.

Leave me out of the quibbles, please. I've come to my understanding of Ra, and will let the warm rays of light shine upon me when it is time.

Our words here can only do so much. Wield them attentively.
Two Clickys? What flavors?

There are neither quibbles nor squabbles here. Have you seen either in our midst? Every word I have thus far wielded, has been done with the greatest level of attentiveness. While they are NOT meant to rush Henry, they are made to communicate with him our issues with many of the "known unknowns!"




Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 15, 2008
Absolutely true, but the Clicky is not intended to be just the right light for *only* those kinds of people.

No, but i've tried to explain why people here reacted the way they did. Because they (/we) are those kinds of people :D
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