RA HDS Clips


Newly Enlightened
Feb 5, 2010
I'm not really crazy about the new Ra clips. Sorry Henry
I know wvaltakis2 used to make some nice looking and functional clips.
But I don't think he's making them anymore.:confused:
Is there anyone out there who has picked up the torch, and started making any decent clips?

Let's see your RA/HDS lights with the clips on. What ya got?
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While I agree with you, Grady, I prefer this solution to the original Bezel up clip Henry had as well as no clip at all, though that configuration is much easier on my fingers.
I still haven't seen any pictures of the new one. Are you able to post one, Grady? Or is there a picture buried somewhere in the epic Clicky thread?
I actually prefer the Novatac clip that can be purchased from Lighthound. It's just a tad bit better looking IMO. The lanyard ring that you can buy from Lighthound is pretty GTG as well. As far as the Wvaltakis clips, I know personally I clamored for them in the past but once I actually got my hands on one I was very disappointed. Their nice looking and made from a great material but functionally they pretty much don't get the job done IMO. Too big and not comfortable while using the light. My favorite clip option so far is this one! :D

Modded Ra clip! This IMO is the cats *** for clips for this light.

Novatac clip from Lighthound. Really liking this one too!


Lanyard ring from Lighthound. This is another great option for this light!


And my modified grip ring with the lanyard. This is super comfy and eases the operation of the switch.


In short I hope that nobody decides to NOT buy a HDS light because of a clip. There are quite a few carry options out there actually. You just need to give them all a try to see what you like. Hope this helps!

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Great post signalprick..............That modded RA clip in the first photo looks like it would work very well. Did you mod that clip yourself or can it be purchased some where?
I also liked the the bezel down clip.

Here's the stock bezel up clips that come with the RA, just so everybody can see the difference.




I modded the stock clip myself with a hacksaw, LM Wave, vise and a dremel. Henry tells me the stock black clip and the stock polished clip are the same material and heat treat but I did find that the black bends easier than the polished clip which seemed more brittle and would snap at the bend?!?! He suggested I heat it and maybe I would get a different result. Still have yet to try that out. I'll post when I get it perfected. Practically speaking, the reason I prefer my modded design so well is because it still has plenty of tension. It's smaller and more low profile. It does not hinder any grip for this light. I am able to change out batteries or enter customization mode without the clip tearing up the anodizing. I will leak that when my personal life settles a bit I may look into a more refined way of modding the HDS clips or doing a custom design of my own. With Henry's approval of course.
I'm using a clip from this sales thread. They can be used in either a bezel up or bezel down position. I'm using mine in the bezel down position. Click here for a picture of an older version, which is slightly longer, being used in the bezel down position. The silver colored clips are no longer available, but you can still buy a black colored version from oveready.com. They are called "Z58/Z59/HDS Black Steel Pocket Clip" on that website.
I still haven't seen any pictures of the new one. Are you able to post one, Grady? Or is there a picture buried somewhere in the epic Clicky thread?

A little OT, but just reminded me - I've been frustrated more than once visting the HDS site, and clicking through the custom items list. Everything is textually described, so you really don't get a good idea what you're piecing together. Like this example, you have to go digging through CPF just to see what the different options look like. Just a friendly nudge Henry for more descriptive images at least in the custom build page.
Why are you unsatisfied with the new clip, Grady? Form, function, or both?

It's just too big. It takes up about a quarter of the flashlights surface.
Make handling it a little clumsy, at best. If it was shorter, like signalprick modded one listed above, it would feel very comfortable and easy to handle.
If my son buys me a Dremel Tool for Fathers Day, I'm going to go to town on the sucker.:xyxgun:

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