RA twisty carry solutions?


Oct 9, 2006
hollister, ca.
OK guys the one thing that I feel is hindering the twisty from falling into the perfect EDC catagory is a bezel down pocket clip.
I dont like the Novatac clip bezel up deal.
I currently ordered a Ripoffs co-192 to cover me until I can get some help locating a decent pocket clip I can install on the tail end of the twisty, facilitating bezel down carry.

I have seen a couple of pics using the old hds clips but I cant seem to sorce them.
I have also seen the Ti clips from the shoppe and I dont think I want Ti over spring steel, especially at over 25$ a pop for one.

Thanks in advance for the help.....
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RA Twisty pocket clip ?

I've seen some with pocket clips. Are they available that way now, or is it an aftermarket modification?
Re: RA Twisty pocket clip ?

I added a Novatac pocket clip to mine @ the bezel.

I've seen some that look like they were drilled and screws used to attach the clip (bezel down carry). I wouldn't even think of doing this myself to one of my favorite lights.
Re: RA Twisty pocket clip ?

Well, given the right machines and tools it should be easy. For bezel down I use a lanyard and a biner.
Re: RA Twisty pocket clip ?

Thats right.If you have a competent machine shop all you have to do is drill and tap and you got a near factory clip.Mine is an old HDS clip that i removed the ano on.
Alright I see a couple of other threads relating to this same topic poping up around here....

I talked to Henry and we might have come up with a solution....
He is going to send me a prototype clip for another light and I will need to modify/re-fabricate it.
Or if all else fails Ill have to get my hands on some spring steel to make one and heat treat it right.
If this comes out the way we would like I am going to try and make these available to other cpf members.

I dont have pics or anything for the moment, heck I dont even have the part in my hand yet so no pics for you! YET........

I will keep this post updated and pics comming in as we might be able to sorce them for you to do the drilling/taping yourself and we might be able to source them as complete kits (new battery tube with clip installed).

I can tell you that the clip will facilitate bezel down deep carry, giving the best retention/protection for the light....

I will keep all info and updates posted here as I get them/make progress..

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I am more from the school of thought that suggests that bezel up carry keeps the light head away from metal objects it would normally share a pocket with. Your pockets may vary.
For those of us such as myself that finds thier way into enviroments that will easily damage the bezel/lens of a light, I find bezel down to be the best carry solution.

I do alot of metal fab and welding and grind/weld slag will easily destroy a lens in a light, Surefire has replaced a few bezels on my lights from this.
I also end up crawling around on the ground on exposed aggregate concrete, under houses, and just in the muck. All of this can and does tear up a light. I would rather have to deal with a banged up battery tube than a messed up bezel/lens. Especially when the glass on the twisty is thick as heck.
I am in no way saying that the one of Henry's lights arent up to the task but I would like to take it out of harms way (for the most part) if possible.

SwWnMe you obviously prefer bezel up and that is your preference. I dont know what the heck could be in your pocket that would cause more damage to that end of the light than the abuse of things previously listed.
To each his own for bezel down the Novatac EDC clips work great under the bezel from what I have heard.
I'm in for one if I can get a tube with clip already attached. I don't want to try to do it myself. Rather pay someone else to have it done right :)

Bezel down is OK with me.
Ok I have some ideas brewing...
I would like to get some input from everyone....

Would a widder clip be preffered or a narrower clip? i.e. 1/4 or 3/8th inch?
Would it rather be shorter or longer? i.e. half body or full body with a rise to allow most belts to "lock" on?
would it be preffered to use 2 new narrow holes or make it to use the existing lanyard/keychain holes?
Would it be preffered that I try and make a double sided clip (like the E1B)?

I am prolly gonna prototype a couple out of mild steel before I go to spring steel.

Just want some input from all to see what the masses would find ideal
Would a widder clip be preffered or a narrower clip? i.e. 1/4 or 3/8th inch?
My preference would be 3/8 inch but don't have strong feelings about it.
Would it rather be shorter or longer? i.e. half body or full body with a rise to allow most belts to "lock" on?
Longer, maybe 3/4 way down the body.
would it be preffered to use 2 new narrow holes or make it to use the existing lanyard/keychain holes?
Use existing holes
Would it be preffered that I try and make a double sided clip (like the E1B)?
Single would be ok for me, but again, no strong preference.

I'd definately be interested in one!

Good luck!
Wider clip width.
Full body.
Existing holes would be nice.
Don't like double sided clips.

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my own design' (hand bent and polished, it's like the 4th prototype).

just bent stainless and alu. set screws into the existing lanyard holes. sacrificed tailstand for deeper-into-pocket retention.
clip meets body below head so no circular scratches on head from on/off operation.

(also barely visible is a tiny tab 'underneath' clip, bent towards body on the ~45-degree radius from tail to waist, it prevents the clip from slipping off the top end of the body, which might otherwise happen as the lanyard holes are 180 degrees apart. like i mentioned, 4th prototype)

it's not the prettiest girl at the dance, certainly, but i think the stainless compliments the head and it has great spring strength/ retention, and, i made it. anyway, 6 months of daily use and the clip's not loose, nor has it ever worked its way out on its own/ by accident.

YMMV/ my $.02
edumacated, you should see the back of the 18670 tube... and I can't find my camera right now! :(

Never in a million years would I have imagined the end of the tube to look like it does. It has the 180 degree holes, but it is flat across end with only a channel to fit paracord straight through the light.

I will find a camera sometime to show what it looks like.
Well I have the first proto up and running on my light. Am sacraficing my battery tube to try these differant things.
Its wide goes just over 2/3 of the light and keeps the light pretty deep.
1060 spring steel, 2 4-40 alloy screws has a 90 degree jump on the bottom witch keeps the light held on a belt real well, and grabs the lip of a pocket securely. tapers towards the tail slightly witch greats a pinch on the top of the pocket, also adding a new feture to the light one it wont roll away, and two it will now lay tilted up a couple of degrees when in use..... screw alingment is off a slight amount on the clip itself, but perfectly aligned on the body. Ramp at the front of the clip is a little shorter than I like, so next one will be a little longer.
Kept the first design K.I.S.S. on the first attempt.
Henry and I talked and we both felt this is about the most rugged and secure design there would be on the twisty.
Tried to come up with something low profile that would use the existing holes but the problem is making the clip truly secure with the holes 180 out, witch unfortunately doesnt seem to want to work.

Might thin down the clip a little but this would effect the ability to work with molle harneses and other things......



Lemme know what ya'll think
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