RA Twisty-upgrade worthy?


Mar 12, 2008
The six one four
Does anyone here know if the RA Twisty is upgradeable?
I'm just thinking down the road (a few months or years) when newer more efficient LED's are developed, will the twisty be a good host for said upgrade?

Thanks :)
Some people have done emitter swaps. The 100 (SSC emitter) is probably a better choice if you think a swap is in the future
What could be more worthy?

Emitters can be swapped with relative ease, so long as the emitter you are replacing is the same/similar size and shape as the one you are replacing it with.
I would hate to lose the red output on my 85-TR... that, in my mind, makes the light.
I can't remember who posted this originally so I re-hosted it:

Looks pretty easy. you might have to swap GD for GD or SSC for SSC though if the heatsink is machined differently for each.
