Radar Detectors- what to look for?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 18, 2006

I am looking into getting a radar detector. I am just starting to learn about them and was wondering if anyone on here has one or opinions on what features are must haves. Thanks:thumbsup:
i have a beltronics radar ,forgot what exact model i think 930-960 but i rarely use it now ...it does work but it got annoying real quick with all the beeping being in city and busy areas ....i prolly will only use it on unknown trips when im on a highway or if im rushing and i know the cops are usually using radar at specific areas...but it will pick up those radar signs that say "your speed" and as well as most cops IF THEY ARE USING their radar...keep in mind a cop could just be sitting and then whip out the radar gun at the last second when he sees a speeding car and when your detector goes off it will be to late as he clearly see you speeding

i have been saved by my detector prolly a few times but 1 for certain as i was on a highway and my detector alerted me "laser detection" i then slowed down and right up ahead was a cop with his gun checking for speeders....right there the radar detector paid for itself saving me a speeding ticket and points on license .......but most other times i pick up microwaves false alerts and constant false signals from i dont where but if the radar detector saves you from a few tickets then it will pay for itself
This is easy, just get a Valentine 1 and your problem is solved. I've got 2 and they are well worth the price. The directional notifications are really nice.
This is easy, just get a Valentine 1 and your problem is solved. I've got 2 and they are well worth the price. The directional notifications are really nice.

Agreed. I have a Valentine 1, and would buy another in a heartbeat if anything were to happen to mine.
the V1 is good it's sensitive

But I Love quiet better. The Escort 9500i ROCKS. GPS marking, Very,very little false beeps and a boat load of cool features. When it goes off, it's almost always something you need to slow down for.
that V1 looks amazing. but i dont think i could justify buying one of those (yea i know im not the op but im just saying) what were your thoughts on how you justified spending that money? i guess since i never go any more than 5-7 over i dont have a problem but isnt it just easier to not speed than spend that money? i guess you could accidently be going too fast and it could be a good reminder and warning but thats about it....no war is meant to be started either.
Higher end Escorts, Bel's, and Whistlers. DO NOT BUY A COBRA. Low end models just false at you all the time, which lulls you into thinking the next one is "just another false".

The cheaper Whistlers have pretty good detection, but again they false a bit as well. The Pro78 is supposed to be an excellent model, I think. I have a 1788 (which is inferior to the 78's circuitry) because I wanted a cordless model. It falses quite a bit, but it also has pretty good detection range on the legit sources.

It helps to learn more about what kind of radar bands they use in your area. X-band, which is largely considered obsolete is still in use in many rural areas, so be careful with "chatty" detectors because you'll end up putting it in City mode which diminishes your x-band detection.

One forum you can check out for more info is here. Hope that helps!
I know I will get flamed for this, but here is good advice anyway;

A cruise control will help avoid tickets no matter what. So will being conscious of and staying within the speed limits.

If you must get a detector, get a lidar and radar too, and learn how to use it and how to react. Some folks slam on the brakes when their radar detector beeps, and that can cause rear-enders. When your detector 'sees' the radar signal you are either already busted or have several seconds (and some times a lot more) to slow down.

As the Sargent used to say on Hill Street Blues... Be careful out there.

I find a GPS is also very useful--you can measure your exact speed and set your cruise control to the limit or the limit+3-4 mph and be pretty safe.

I also watch and make sure there are a few cars around going faster than me--let them "troll for cops"...

In the end, cruise control and acceptance is the way to go... There are so many people out there looking to put a hand in your wallet (cities, states, insurance companies, etc.) that it is just not worth playing the game anymore.

And make sure you are 100% obeying the laws around Red Light Cameras--stop hard on yellows (may be short). Stop before crosswalks before making a right hand turn. And some Red Light Cameras are also doing photo speeding tickets too. The companies make money even if there is only one violation per day--such is the markup on tickets...

I'll be the third for a Valentine.
Can you afford not to have one?
What does the ticket cost and how much does your insurance increase.
Time away from work for court...
I own it, I always use it and I use cruise control, however, why do you believe the radar gun is accurate?
I got pulled over because the cop hit the other guy and thought it was me and I used my finger to point at my Valentine and said I knew you were there long before you can lock on me plus I have a Garmin GPS, and he said Valentine huh, and walked away. In my usage of mine I say it isn't even sporting to the police....
In my younger days I used to speed, now that I am older and wiser and use the GPS to see what my ETA is arriving, traveling all day, 6 hours, the difference between 70 and 55 isn't worth the stress.
I especially take the Valentine when traveling in a rental car in another state because I am unfamiliar with their local speed traps and out of state tickets are a nightmare. That's how I roll under their radar!!
Valentines are absolutely worth their price and they are upgradable when Mike creates new features. Like our flashlights!!
Pay for it now or later, and you will pay!!
Choose wisely
The V1 also alows you to download updates to it, if a new radar/laser gun comes out, you can upgrade the V1 to continue to offer unparalleled protection
+1 V1 without compare.

An excellent tool. I used to travel a lot. The Valentine 1 saved me from speed traps in new territory.

I knew it could be upgraded with a trade-in or such. I wasn't aware of the software updates and don't see that at the website. Maybe that's something very new.
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The V1 also alows you to download updates to it, if a new radar/laser gun comes out, you can upgrade the V1 to continue to offer unparalleled protection

Not totally accurate. V1 CAN be updated, but you send it in. You pay after the warranty is up too.

The 9500i Can be updated also, at the moment you have to send it in for updates HOWEVER, there is a mini-USB adapter on the unit. This USB is for updates and GPS POI's.

Whatever you choose, get a good one. The "best" is a debate that will never end. Sorta like Ford and Chevy.... anyway. They are worth it.

For Lidar (Laser Jam) there is ONE unit that really works. All the time, it's not cheap with an 799.00 price tag. The LPP (Laser Pro Park) there is nothing available that works better.

This stuff is not cheap, but yes.. It can pay for itself. Especially when you are out of your normal drive. One save in a speed trap, just paid for the entire package. (fines, time off work, court cost, and Ins rates)
Thanks for all of the replies it looks loke a V1 is going to be joining me. Now to shop around for the best price....
Thanks for all of the replies it looks loke a V1 is going to be joining me. Now to shop around for the best price....

Ebay is the best bet for price. If you go used though, be sure to get the serial number from the seller and confirm with Valentine that it isn't stolen and is registered to the seller.
I really do not write many speeding tickets as my car does not have a mounted radar unit installed. We have to use the handheld units and the younger officers grab the few we have quickly.

I can say that for many radar detectors it is very easy for an officer to defeat them if they simply pulse the trigger. I have no idea as to the higher cost units or jamming devices however there is no shortage of speeders out there none the less.

I have recently seen some very slick advances in radar and speeding detection. There are so many factors to consider such as cosine angles and doppler effect that honestly many officers just do not run radar that much anymore. This is all changing due to much more reliable units as well as advances in detection. One seminar I attended on police equipment had all types of cool stuff and the radar topic was a hot one. There is in the works a laser unit that is said to be impossible to defeat however I did not pay much attention to the sales pitch.

The single most easy way to clock a speeder is to pace the vehicle and this is something our interstate units do very well. They have unmarked cars and simply keep pace with a motorists for a few miles then they have them. If not noticed it is impossible to beat as it is not electrical in nature and relies simply on the officers eyes and of course their calibrated speedometer.

So can anyone say for sure if those laser and radar jammers really do work? It seems as if I remember an episode of mythbusters where they tested several and none actually worked....could be wrong on that however I am kind of curious now.

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