I'll be the third for a Valentine.
Can you afford not to have one?
What does the ticket cost and how much does your insurance increase.
Time away from work for court...
I own it, I always use it and I use cruise control, however, why do you believe the radar gun is accurate?
I got pulled over because the cop hit the other guy and thought it was me and I used my finger to point at my Valentine and said I knew you were there long before you can lock on me plus I have a Garmin GPS, and he said Valentine huh, and walked away. In my usage of mine I say it isn't even sporting to the police....
In my younger days I used to speed, now that I am older and wiser and use the GPS to see what my ETA is arriving, traveling all day, 6 hours, the difference between 70 and 55 isn't worth the stress.
I especially take the Valentine when traveling in a rental car in another state because I am unfamiliar with their local speed traps and out of state tickets are a nightmare. That's how I roll under their radar!!
Valentines are absolutely worth their price and they are upgradable when Mike creates new features. Like our flashlights!!
Pay for it now or later, and you will pay!!
Choose wisely