Raidfire Spear - A bit pi553d off


Feb 5, 2005
South East - United Kingdom
I have been speaking to Raidfire re their Spear as it was allegedly going to come with the option of a tape switch and a gun mount as an option.

Now I have been trying to get a decent thrower in LED format sorted for ages and not being too much of a DIY merchant, I wanted an off the shelf solution that seems to be available with lots of the lesser makes.

I have been waiting for ages for them to confirm when and I recieved an e-mail stating that they would be released shortly......................only to have it retracted a week later by the contact who has clearly been left high and dry saying ot will now be some time before they honour their promise.

I am a bit pi553d off that yet again, none of the thrower manufacturers offer a tape switch option.

Sorry - but what is one of the principle advantages of a thrower over a floody.

When will one of the decent manufacturers (other than surefire whos solutions are military tactical rather than sporting hunting and therefore rather stupid money too) get off their hairy behinds and do something.

Apologies for the rant but I have a nice little market all lined up ready to go and yet again, a promise is not fulfilled.

I will go away and calm down now............................maybe

Tiablo........DBS................etc - are you listening
Well - in fairness, I had an e-mail from the guy today apologising for the way i was LED up the garden path if you will excuse the pun.

Still blooming annoyed but decent of him.