Rebel in a Cree reflector?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2006
I'm starting to think about putting Rebel emitters into some lights. Apparently the Rebel has a pattern something like a Luxeon or SSC, so I'd think it would work ok in a light originally designed for one of those. But lights originally designed for a Cree emitter have a different shaped reflector due to the different pattern of the Cree. Has anyone tried directly replacing a Cree with a Rebel without changing the reflector? What kind of beam do you end up with?

Do the special Rebel P3Ds use the same reflector as the Cree lights?

Do the special Rebel P3Ds use the same reflector as the Cree lights? c_c

Not the same reflector. I have tried a Cree smooth and OP reflector in my P3D Rebel. With the smooth there is a shapeless shadow in the hotspot. The hotspot not being very defined. With the OP the shadow is gone, but the hotspot is not defined like the OP one.
I mounted a Rebel in a Cree reflector. You just get a little more hotspot and a little less spill. It works fine, provided you put the emitter at the reflector's focus.
without trying it myself it seems from here that you'd have to be careful to get the Rebel centered in that big hole for the cree metal ring..... Just guessing.
without trying it myself it seems from here that you'd have to be careful to get the Rebel centered in that big hole for the cree metal ring..... Just guessing.

The edge of the Rebel furthest from the dome lines up with the edge of the ring. Just make sure to keep the Rebel's ceramic plate close to the same level as the ring.
Romisen RC-G2 with Rebel100:



