Rechargable 123 in Surefire E2D LED and Fenix TK10?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 29, 2008
Ok, I know this has been discussed but I need simple answers that even I can understand :thinking:

I would like to know if it is safe to use rechargable 123 batteries in my Surefire E2D LED and Fenix TK10.

It seems when this question comes up there is talk of different batteries, and drop-in modules and different modifications. I dont want to do any of that. I only want to know if those lights as they come from the factory are safe for the rechargables.

If so, then what brand would you recommend and where can I get the batteries (say, 6 of them) and a charger as a set.

If they are not safe for those lights, could you explain why in simple terms?

Re: Rechargable 123 questions

Also noticed that some say 750mAh and others 900...which ones are ok for these lights?
Re: Rechargable 123 questions

TK10 needs AW cells. TF/UF cells from DX are too big. The extra voltage for the TK10 is fine, though. I'm not sure about the E2D.
Re: Rechargable 123 questions

Honestly, I would forget about RCRs. I am almost 100% rechargeable but I would not use RCRs. Their runtimes are just no good. And there is obvious danger when putting 2 (or more) together in series, even if they are protected ones. Also, many 1xCR123 lights I have just do not perform well with RCRs. I use a lot of 18650s and 17670s though.
Re: Rechargable 123 questions

Read up plenty on rechargeable lithium cells.

You will also have shorter runtimes on rechargeables as the primary cells have higher capacity.
Re: Rechargable 123 questions

And there is obvious danger when putting 2 (or more) together in series, even if they are protected ones.

As long as both cells have their own protection circuit and they're charged independently, it should be fine. It's CR123's that are dangerous in series if they're at different charge levels.
I would like to no too. I have a Surefire E2DL and am getting a E1L this week and would like to no what rechargeables will work if they will work? :shrug: (and please be specific):naughty:

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