Rechargable torch for Police dog section, what do you recomend?


Dec 18, 2009
Hi all,

One of my work mates is about to buy get his section a load of flashlights for searching outside with their dogs. With him not being a flashaholic he was about to buy them all Led Lensers, until i put him right!

I recomended a Fenix TK20 and a set of Eneloops, i would think it was perfect with the neutral tint, but they have to be rechargable via a car 12V socket for when they are driving about.

I have told him about the ITP R01 and a USB 12V covertor, but is there anthing better?

it has to be 2aa size, simple UI(2 modes tops), neutral tint would be nice, and powerfull, and built to last as it will be a hard used tool, and upto $90 (£60) ish

thanks for any help
it has to be 2aa size, simple UI(2 modes tops), neutral tint would be nice, and powerfull, and built to last as it will be a hard used tool, and upto $90 (£60) ish

thanks for any help

Hi from NZ Police. (not a cop, emergency calltaker).
I've got a few colleagues in Delta section and I've been out a few times with them on ride alongs. If I was to recommend a light for them that met those requirements it'd probably be the 4Sevens Quark AA² Turbo along with rechargeable NiMH batteries.
Quark turbo page link

I would have said the tactical AA², but I think for the use you're talking about the extra throw of the turbo head would be invaluable.

They're tough, made out of T-6061 Aluminium with type III hard ano, and IPX-8 waterproof.

Once programmed to the two modes that suit, they only have the 2 modes for usual use, which you can choose from I think 6 or 7 available. Also the forward clicky would be useful.

Yup, overall, that's what I'd use most of the time; and then for SAR, I'd have an SR90 Intimidator. ;)

Check out this review of the Quark turbo on youtube
Hi all,

One of my work mates is about to buy get his section a load of flashlights for searching outside with their dogs. With him not being a flashaholic he was about to buy them all Led Lensers, until i put him right!

I recomended a Fenix TK20 and a set of Eneloops, i would think it was perfect with the neutral tint, but they have to be rechargable via a car 12V socket for when they are driving about.

I have told him about the ITP R01 and a USB 12V covertor, but is there anthing better?

it has to be 2aa size, simple UI(2 modes tops), neutral tint would be nice, and powerfull, and built to last as it will be a hard used tool, and upto $90 (£60) ish

thanks for any help

Honestly, I think what he is asking for might be hard to come by, given the constraints. High-quality, powerful, or inexpensive ($90 budget)...choose any two. :)

If it needs to be rechargeable inside of the vehicle, I think they are going to want to go with something that can recharge in a cradle. I'm pretty sure they are not going to want to be constantly swapping batteries between the flashlight and a charger.

You might look into the Streamlight Stinger line or going old-school with a MagCharger (obviously not 2xAA size).
Personally I'd recommend the Pelican 7060 or 8060. Although neither of these lights meet the AA size criteria they are far better for the sort of use that a Dog handler is expected to carry out in the UK with searches and tracking either in a urban or rural area. Both lights are rechargeable setup's for car or at the station or in most dog handler's cases in the UK their homes. The 8060 is probably the best setup to have in the car/van as it has a 4-6 hour runtime at max and then declining output for approximately another 4 hours it'll certainly last out a normal shift. The advantages of either the 7060 or 8060 Pelican's are that they come with a lifetime warranty AND in the 8060's case can also use normal 'C'cell batteries in an emergency which are said to provide up to 10-11 hours of run time. Certainly for a LED light it's output is amazing and it has a great beam which is far reaching with good spill. As a bonus the Pelican's have individual serial numbers engraved on each of them. Good if you are to issue them to an individual officer. When I bought my own 8060 last year Pelican gave me 40% discount as I'm in the UK emergency services so they may give more for a larger purchase from the police?:twothumbs The 7060 is very versatile and would make a great belt carried light or at a pinch could be carried on the stab vest. Please remember that most UK police officers just want a light that works and doesn't cost them any thing to run which they would have to pay for themselves (I know I've 3 family members in the police force!) They also want a light which can be easily repaired without having to wait months to have it fixed by sending it back overseas etc for a warranty claim.

Try these links to see what you think?

The UK website for Pelican products in the Uk is:

If you need any help please ask?

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Hi all,

One of my work mates is about to buy get his section a load of flashlights for searching outside with their dogs. With him not being a flashaholic he was about to buy them all Led Lensers, until i put him right!

I recomended a Fenix TK20 and a set of Eneloops, i would think it was perfect with the neutral tint, but they have to be rechargable via a car 12V socket for when they are driving about.

I have told him about the ITP R01 and a USB 12V covertor, but is there anthing better?

it has to be 2aa size, simple UI(2 modes tops), neutral tint would be nice, and powerfull, and built to last as it will be a hard used tool, and upto $90 (£60) ish

thanks for any help

I would go with the Fenix brand,plenty of UK suppliers around and I would think as you are buying a few some extra discount would be available,possibly even getting your force to claim the vat back for you.On the other hand Led Lenser could be obtained at a substantial trade price via many many UK outlets but myself I would opt for Fenix.

Plenty of good chargers around in the UK as well that will work off the car system.
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First of all I would like to say thanks for effort put into the replies, and hi NZ!
The Quark is an awesome light, and i did try to get them down the aa power route of Eneloops and an in car charger, i explained they could have 2 in the light and 2 charged in the glove box as they are LSD, and if they got stuck they can get primaries in a petrol station, but it HAD to be rechargeable. I think the reason for this is all the specialist OP's had been issued Surefires, but the up front cost, bulbs burning out, and the price of CR123's was starting to become a burden.

They had thought of LED as a way around the bulbs, but i think the budget owner wants to buy no more batteries either of any sort.

The size is all about the stab vests as they have an elasticated baton holder on them, which a 2aa format fits in very well and is at an angle so it can be used like a Peli light (but I think they are in for shock when 190 lumens hits their notebooks:cool:) and the Pelis have been largly binned due to getting in the way of seatbelts and not being very durable, i had 2 smashed off in as many weeks!

The stinger and Pelican were the 2 that sprung to mind for me as well, but size was the finish of them.
I do also think the TK20 was ideal and if i was buying thats what they would have, but i have just been told the Boss has seen the ITP R01 and the fact its £35 pound and they have already negotiated a discount on a bulk buy and a trial light! so they are in fact getting 2 for the price of one!

I had told them i would find out of CPFers what is the best thing for them, but even though cost has won, i dont think the R01 is a bad choice and will truely amaze them and be a revolation over the 60 lumen SF, which they think are the brightest thing in the world (until i flick my P100A2 on) but a neutral tint would have been better, but at least i have saved them from the draw backs of Led Lensers.

Thanks again guys
OK, how about the Fenix LD25?

It uses a neutral white emitter; produces 180 (emitter) lumens; uses a 2xAA format without a flared head (so it will fit in a standard vest); happily dines on easily replaced rechargeable cells; is as ruggedly built as you're ever going to find in a mass-produced light; and is priced at about US$50-55 (I'll leave the currency conversion up to you).

Insofar as charging the cells in-vehicle, many chargers come with 12v DC adapters for recharging via lighter plugs. Given the more limited runtimes available with 1.5v rechargeable cells however, it might make more sense to simply have multiple, fully-charged cells available for the night's patrol, recharging them during the day.

I think many of us will be curious to learn what your department ultimately selects, and the factors that weighed most prominently in your decision.

Let us know, will you?
First of all I would like to say thanks for effort put into the replies, and hi NZ!
The Quark is an awesome light, and i did try to get them down the aa power route of Eneloops and an in car charger, i explained they could have 2 in the light and 2 charged in the glove box as they are LSD, and if they got stuck they can get primaries in a petrol station, but it HAD to be rechargeable. I think the reason for this is all the specialist OP's had been issued Surefires, but the up front cost, bulbs burning out, and the price of CR123's was starting to become a burden.

They had thought of LED as a way around the bulbs, but i think the budget owner wants to buy no more batteries either of any sort.

The size is all about the stab vests as they have an elasticated baton holder on them, which a 2aa format fits in very well and is at an angle so it can be used like a Peli light (but I think they are in for shock when 190 lumens hits their notebooks:cool:) and the Pelis have been largly binned due to getting in the way of seatbelts and not being very durable, i had 2 smashed off in as many weeks!

The stinger and Pelican were the 2 that sprung to mind for me as well, but size was the finish of them.
I do also think the TK20 was ideal and if i was buying thats what they would have, but i have just been told the Boss has seen the ITP R01 and the fact its £35 pound and they have already negotiated a discount on a bulk buy and a trial light! so they are in fact getting 2 for the price of one!

I had told them i would find out of CPFers what is the best thing for them, but even though cost has won, i dont think the R01 is a bad choice and will truely amaze them and be a revolation over the 60 lumen SF, which they think are the brightest thing in the world (until i flick my P100A2 on) but a neutral tint would have been better, but at least i have saved them from the draw backs of Led Lensers.

Thanks again guys

I can't speak about the quality of the ITP light, but it appears to be a pretty good light. I just hope this is planned to be a supplement to the trusty whatever-it-is that they usually use, 3D/4D maglight?
Because otherwise there is a potential issue with the way they'd use it.
Say you start a shift with a fully charged light. You have 2 hours of use.
Maybe you go and do a training track. After that you jump in the car and plug in, get a callout to a burgs on, takes 5 mins to blue light there, jump out, track again, half an hour; jump back in the car, another few minutes of charge but it's a busy night so you're tracking again shortly without giving the usb charger a chance to properly charge the battery.
Less than half way through the shift, battery is dead...
What do you do? Can't swap the batteries...

The other issue is one you already mentioned about having only one brightness setting... for close work like taking notes or writing tickets, would be annoyingly bright.

But it sounds like the decision has already been made. Hope they work out well! :thumbsup:
I use the Lumapower MRV SK V1.1.


The Lumapower that I was talking about has specs that the Inova, Pelican, Streamlight and Surefire can't match. I looked at all of those lights before I purchased the Lumapower MRV SK.

The Lumapower:LED

- 280 lumens for 4 hours (see if any of those other lights has that)

- 85 lumens for 12 hours

- 20 lumens for 48 hours

- Strobe function - works great for getting people's attention and traffic.

- Can run on one 1860 rechargable or two CR123's (the small non-chargeable's that have a shelf life of 10 years and go in most Surefires and pistol lights). I like this feature so if my light runs out I can take the batteries from my pistol light and exchange them.

- Can add an extender to use two 1860 batteries or four CR123's.

- The 1860 rechargeable's it runs on don't drain when its not being used like Streamlight batteries. You can use the flashlight months after the batteries have been charged and it will be like new. (Try that with a Streamlight type battery which starts to drain the minute its off the charger).

- The 1860 batteries it runs on are charged outside of the flashlight, so you can charge batteries while you use the flashlight.

- 1860 batteries only cost about $5 to $8, so they are cheap to replace and you can have plenty of extras. They should last about 3 to 4 years each.

- Charger for the 1860 batteries only costs about $12 to $18. So you could have a charger at home and at work.

- Can upgrade the engine as newer more efficient and powerful engines come out in the future.

- Fits in Streamlight Stinger holsters (same size).

- Striker bezel in case you need to use it as a weapon. (You use the weapon you have in your hand at the time).

- Was $89, which is cheaper then all of those other lights.

I've used my flashlight with cops who have Streamlight SLX-20's, Streamlight LED's, Surefires and mine was significantly brighter then all the others. So bright in fact that other cops have said, "Wow, that light is way brighter then mine, what is it?"

And I've had people I've shone with the strobe and they've said, "There's no need for that, your blinding me, I'm going to get seizures."
maybe that 5.11 flashlight, the smaller one pc3.300
still a bit big at 8.75 in but is only 10oz
it comes with car recharger and recharges in 90 seconds it uses capacitors
200lumen on high
i would not recommend it as a duty light but this use sounds like a good fit
it may be a bit pricey

edit sorry didn't notice the price before
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At ~50$ CAD (even cheaper if you shop around) you can pick up a Dorcy 220 lumen rechargeable. Run time is just over 2 hours with one mode. An excellent thrower and pure white beam.

Pick up a spare battery for just 7$. You can even custom build a battery pack and still use it's cable charger that plugs in directly to the torch.

Comes with a car charger too....
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maybe that 5.11 flashlight, the smaller one pc3.300
still a bit big at 8.75 in but is only 10oz
it comes with car recharger and recharges in 90 seconds it uses capacitors
200lumen on high
i would not recommend it as a duty light but this use sounds like a good fit
it may be a bit pricey

edit sorry didn't notice the price before

+1x10^12 :huh:

I absolutely love this light and have seen the all of the others out there and they aren't much different from each other. They either have a special cell or use an 18650 or 14500 li-ion. Then you have to externally swap out batteries or just fiddle with it.

As 5.11 has brought something completely different to the table and have hit it on the spot(dead on). The first one was about the size of a 3D or 4D maglite and had poor runtime for its size but still was adequate for using it an hour at a time and charges in a minute and a half which is awesome. This is definitely a magcharger substitute but has the charging cradle that most complain about due to its size.

Then there is the pc3.300 that I had picked up at LAPG as I have been eying this company since the start to see what would roll out and I'm glad I waited since the release of the smaller version the pc3.300.

It had came with the home and car charger as in the past it was an accessory to have the home charger, crazy huh? Anyways it comes with a belt holster as most servicemen lights do.

Then to state why I waited as I wanted the pc3.300 with the ramp option as you can start from 40 lumens to 200 lumens. Then there is the 1st click which gives you high and then second click which gives strobe. If you hold it in like a photon freedom it will come on in 40 lumens and then continue to ramp up. I had wanted this for runtime as I knew that they had chosen the 3 x Cree XP-E's for a reason(for runtime, flawless tint, throw and awesome beam.

I had done some run time tests for the highest and lowest modes:

High: 1hr 36min then goes to 40 lumen low automatically for an additional hour.

Low: 8hrs 12min, which is astounding for such a small light with small ultracaps(i would guess two 270F caps). I was able to do this with two 700F Maxwell caps in a maglite 2d with a 1w luxeon bulb for 2hrs max, then the nite ize one .5w for eight hours. This is using 700F caps which is triple the capacity then the ones in the light for life, so I give them kudos on doing their homework.

Then for durability:

Threw it in a pool and it does float as the head bobs while the body is the water. Crazy to see such a heavy duty flashlight float... Who would have thought?:shrug:

Then the pavement at 6ft, it bounced off the pavement and the pavement was the only one with a park on it as the high density polymer they used is no joke.

Then for the buttons(clicky):

It has a head clicky and a tail mounted clicky that both do the same thing but just help with ergonomics. The button is a very thick high quality rubber/polyurethane that has very nice feedback and feel.

The body:

The head and body is one piece and is completely water proof and is sealed tight even though it has exposed contacts that are recessed in the body that the charging pins touch. The lens is a 1/4in thick lexan type that is replaceable but does not scratch too easy as a plastic has its downs but rather have this than a brittle glass one. C'mon when we abuse our light or just use them its just one drop as it going to ruin a incandescent bulb or a glass lens, those days are over. Then the plastic and stlying are great as it feels like you are holding a 2aa maglite in weight but a streamlight stinger in size.

Charging: It really does take 90 seconds, takes less when the light is not run til dead.

The charger: Its freaking awesome as it pulls it directly to the platform that is molded like a loony tune cartoon. It snaps in place and then easily pulls off as it statically placed to give no hesitation to where it goes and where it comes apart, very very very NICE!!!lovecpf

To have a light that does not need to come apart or be fiddled with is a quality that was unheard of until recently with 5.11. I just cant wait to whats next as I do not see how they could improve as they have done so much in the little time they have been around. Its also an american company with great products, which is also another plus.

This light is not going to be a light cannon as most that do a 1000 lumens but who needs that much light as 1/2 of it is unusable and then runtime is compromised and takes expensive batteries... etc Not picking on those lights but those are for signaling batman.:twothumbs

This light is awesome and worth the 150 shipped as it does not need to be maintained and is straight forward. Just the name gives it away, Forever Flashlight!

Its a serious light that needs some special consideration as it will do what you need it to and last forever but to state its not going to have stellar runtimes like 40hrs as its ultracaps and when you need to top it off after a couple hours of intermediate use, snap it in and wait for a minute and off you go. Also there is no power degradation over time as the caps store electrons vs a chemical reaction with batteries, save the environment and your wallet at the same time, which also seems impossible in today's standards.

Hope this helps,
Eric Ramirez

I am a poor nerd and am not affiliated with this company or any company as just vouching for a solid product as they seems to be hard to find in today's economical climate.:thumbsdow
Key thing that the OP made a requirement is that it BE RECHARGEABLE in a cradle. Yes, the TK20 would be a great choice as a AA light, as AAs are used universally and easily accesable, but it HAS to be rechargeable.

To the OP, has the purchase been made?

Streamlight Strion is shorter than a 2AA light, but it is a little bit thicker. It should still fit in most vests.

Incand runs 70 mins. 2.5 hours to full recharge.

Then you have the LED version with great runtime.
Also would like to suggest the coast M7R(which i just got @ 90 shipped and love!!!) then there is the P5R(which is next on my list @ 60 shipped). This thing throws at least three football fields and fits in the palm of the hand.

Rechargeable in a magnetic manner just like a macbook pro on the tailcap of the light and has tons of easy modes. Its also rampable just like the light for life and is just an inch or two shorter than the pc3.300. Same size as a streamlight stinger or strion.

no questions asked lifetime warranty and awesome customer service. Definitely qualifies as a service light.
The decision has almost been made, I know they are getting a R01 to see if its upto speed, but im sure when they see it being non flahaholics they will get bought just on output alone, and the price is right.

thanks for all the help, and if this doesn't work out they i now have a whole host of suggestions for them now, even though i still think the TK20 was the right choice and for the same reason Samgab pointed out:), but they have a criteria and it cannot be broken:thinking:

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