Recipe for a cheap firestarter


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 28, 2007
Melbourne, Australia

1 Hugsby B3 torch
3 IMR 16340 cells
1 Lumens Factory EO-13 lamp assembly
1 43mm aspheric lens (e.g. sku 4558 from the shop we dare not mention)


Take off the bezel and remove reflector and the o-ring from in front of the lens. Take off the head, unscrew the bulbholder, and tip out the battery positive terminal. Stow these 4 parts away safely - this mod is completely reversible.

Pop the EO-13 into the head and screw the bezel down, and re-fit the head. Insert the batteries, and voila! A cheap, turbo-head twisty. Outputting serious lumens. I'm pleased to finally have a host for the delightful EO-13.

Now comes the really fun part. Replace the stock thick glass lens with the aforementioned aspheric. Held at the lens' focal length, this torch is an instant firestarter.

Post pics when you get done:twothumbs. remember as a kid buning ants with a magnifying glass :whistle:

I like the hugsby B3, especially the turbo head version DX:2566.
Pardon me, but i checked the B3, isnt it a 2 x CR123? How did you squeeze in 3 x 16340s??

EDIT: Oops, please correct me if i am wrong here, the title says 2 x CR123 but the posts below say that it takes 3 x CR123s so which is it??
hyperloop said:
Pardon me, but i checked the B3, isnt it a 2 x CR123?

hyperloop said:
How did you squeeze in 3 x 16340s??
Unscrew the tailcap, and slide them in, one at a time.

hyperloop said:
...the title says 2 x CR123
No it doesn't - it says "Recipe for a cheap firestarter".

hyperloop said:
but the posts below say that it takes 3 x CR123s so which is it??
Um, in what thread? Apart from yourself, who mentioned CR123?
I specified IMR 16340 cells, and I wouldn't recommend anything else at this current level. This is important, the EO-13 draws 2.2A so high-current, safe-chemistry cells are a must. Please only deviate from my recipe if you really, really know what you're doing.
ambientmind said:
Do you mean you have to physically hold the lens or does the bezel hold it in the correct place?
I'll take that as two separate questions.

I mean, if you physically hold the flashlight at the focal length from the paper.

Just like holding a magnifying glass to focus the sun. Exactly the same.

But to answer your indirect question - no, the aspheric itself is not held at the focal length, so you won't project an image of the filament. The EO-13 is so large it fills the head completely with no room for focus adjustment.

But if you want throw, just use the standard supplied glass. It's nice and thick, and the EO-13 works beautifully.
I'm still not sure I get this:thinking:, can I simply take my M90 with an EO-13 and do the same thing? Does the host matter? I can't take the glass lens out though or the whole bezel has to come off "one piece design", so does it work with the bezel and lens in place:candle:?

Oh and isn't this technically not a turbo head because it's a D36?
voila! A cheap, turbo-head twisty.
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Just a thought - if any readers like the concept, but think the host is rubbish, then I note that FiveMega still has a few of these left.

Identical EO-13 concept but all quality parts and 18500 cells for less sag and more runtime.
Saw a vid online of a firestarting hand-held... Let me see if I can find it.
That's the third request for pictures of a cheap Chinese light.:shrug::wtf:

I'm not allowed to link to it, but head over to Shenzhen Wholesale, or Quality China Goods. They have superb, crisp photos of the Hugsby B3, far better than I could ever take.
That's the third request for pictures of a cheap Chinese light.:shrug::wtf:
It's not the cheap, Chinese light we want to see. We want to see the mod.

Aaaannnnnd... you know what they say about modded light threads without pics, right? ;) :poke:

Speaking of modded lights, this topic may have been better placed in Homemade and Modified

I'm also somewhat curious about Ambientmind's question. It could almost sound like the aspheric is installed into the bezel, but is it not? Do you have to hold it with your hand?
It's not the cheap, Chinese light we want to see. We want to see the mod.

Aaaannnnnd... you know what they say about modded light threads without pics, right? ;) :poke:

Speaking of modded lights, this topic may have been better placed in Homemade and Modified

I'm also somewhat curious about Ambientmind's question. It could almost sound like the aspheric is installed into the bezel, but is it not? Do you have to hold it with your hand?
just don't use it to light a cigarette.... and miss :green:
Well, I did say

"Replace the stock glass lens with the aspheric"
Loosen the head. Unscrew the bezel, take out the stock lens, insert the aspheric, bulge facing out, replace bezel. Retighten head.

As for pics, the mod and the stock torch look identical. It is only a bulb swap, after all. So look at the above pictures and imagine a LF EO-13 in there.

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