Recommendation for good flashlight for tracking deer


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2014
Michigan, USA
I'm looking for a recommendation for a good hand held light for tracking deer while hunting. I'm looking for the best balance of light so as to pick up the trail and stay on it while moving through wooded areas, leaves, hardwood, scrub brush, pines, ferns, etc., in Michigan. It's quite a mix of vegetation. I have quite a few lights, but no real favorite for tracking after losing daylight. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Contrary to popular belief blood
by itself does not glow under UV.
Any HCRI will be effective. Warm or cool doesn't really make a huge difference. I saw where a mix of red and blue highlights it the most but not sure that's available.

Order a Convoy C8+ with a 4500k 519a
$20 light.

US $21.22 | Convoy C8+ 519A R9080 high CRI 18650 flashlight 12groups 5amps
Kerneldrop suggests an excellent choice for emitter. Convoy C8 is a great way to try it. Plenty of throw but good sized hotspot. What user interface do you like? Are you partial to one?
I've tried several of the blood tracking lights. I'm red/green deficient so I had high hopes. Nothing but disappointment.

My son, my hunting buddy, and my German Shepherd Dog all do a great job at something I fail miserably at. My son has tried some of the lights I've purchased over the years, he just sets them down or puts them in his pocket and tracks the blood trail with a white flashlight.

In our area (Cass County), during deer season, there are lots of leaves with dark spots on them. Those look like drops of blood to me, but not to guys with regular color vision.
Kerneldrop suggests an excellent choice for emitter. Convoy C8 is a great way to try it. Plenty of throw but good sized hotspot. What user interface do you like? Are you partial to one?
I'm not partial except I don't want a light that can accidentally get turned on in a pack. That would either mean a hot light or a dead battery. Both wouldn't be good. Maybe a side switch would be best.

I haven't given much thought to the lights used for detecting blood, except I did get a Primos Bloodhunter headlamp on sale last month that I'll try out in the fall.

I'll check out the attached video (Thanks!) and sit back and learn. A nice light that helps pick out contrasting colors at night would be good. False positives drive me crazy, especially those small red blotches on the low-lying yellow leaves that look like blood when the frost melts.

I haven't tried a Convoy light nor have I ever directly ordered anything from China before, but this may be a first!
i wonder if you can do red+green or something on a dual chan light like this

and then also have a high cri white flashlight. you can set both lights to momentary-on mode to make it easy to switch back and forth between them.
Experimentation is always good and hopefully results will be posted here.

Note that light coming from a headlight is different than one held at waist level; depth perception is better at waist level, reflection is better on head close to eyes.

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