Recommendations for MR-11 Bulbs

14.4V... that should work pretty good... making the best recommendations here is going to require more specifics.... like how big the cells are (capacity), what type of cells (NIMH, NICD, Li-Ion etc) and how much runtime you want to get and stuff like that...

generally speaking... when building a portable light source, you want to try to maximize efficiency of the lamp by driving it fairly hard, so you want to pick a lamp that will be driven at 14.4V as hard as possible, without dropping below about 20 hours estimated life..

So.... just about any 12V 2000 hour MR-11 (most common) will work fine on this pack. and still have about 200 hours estimated life (as little more than we usually shoot for)....

ideally speaking, if you could take out a cell or 2 and run a MR-11 like this one...

notice how it's rated only 50 hours life at 12V. and has a higher color temperature than most "high life" MR-11s. (3200K)... it would be much more efficient than the typical "2000 hours" lamps.... but may burn out prematurely on a 14.4V pack... unless you had a lot of resistance in the pack or in the connections to the bulb...

Ideally speaking, a 12V lamp rated for around 300-400 life would be a perfect match for a 14.4V pack. life would drop down below 50 hours life, but would have an efficiency up around 30lm/w or better.