Red handled "Morasong" from Finland, pics


Feb 8, 2006





Ragnar, from Ragweed Forge, was kind enough to sell me this beautiful red handled Finnish Mora with balisong handles. Inexpensive, light weight, clever, handsome and capable come to mind when I handle it. There are small black putty-like inserts in each blade channel which gives enough outward push to keep the knife locked closed.

It feels good in the hand and I really like the contrast between the bright red handles and the smooth stainless blade. If you don't already have a Mora then this might make a fun intro to the genre. Scroll down to last knife on the page. $17 plus shipping.

The other items pictured: Benchmade 46BK-600, bottle opener and Bottle lighter for scale and comparison.

Thank you for looking.

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I have seen similar ones that were produced back in the 80's. It's good to see someone selling them again. For those who have not handled them, Mora knives are extremely sharp and make great blades.
Nice! I had one of those when I was a kid, but it's been lost since. I don't know what happened to it, really. But it was a cool knife and I have fond memories of it. They are still available here, maybe I should get a new one as a replacement.
I have one of the "old" ones. This knife is a serious cutter, and is very useful in the field or in the kitchen.
The folding handles, balisong style, make it safely self-storing. However, don't expect to flip this one. The knife was not designed for flipping. It takes two hands to deploy this knife.

--Mike L.
We use Frosts Mora knifes for camping, swedish high-carbon steel, army version - it cost me $20 but it's performs much better than many of those high priced knifes. Swedish knifes are the best bang for the buck.
(picture of my actual knife, it's the one in the front)
US Customs bottle opener gives the photo more context.. That's for the agents to use for...???

Two capable uniformed agents were manning a recruitment booth at a gun/knife show I visited at the Portland Expo last month. We talked and I set the local office up with capsule lighters and they offered me their promotional items. So the openers are promotional gifts.

I was surprised to find Homeland Security agents operating in Oregon. When I think of Border Patrol Mexico and Canada come to mind first and not Oregon. Their activities take them to remote locations within the state on a routine basis so the sealed lighters were a welcome piece of gear.

Nice! I had one of those when I was a kid, but it's been lost since. I don't know what happened to it, really. But it was a cool knife and I have fond memories of it. They are still available here, maybe I should get a new one as a replacement.

If I'm remembering it right, it was imported into the US as the "Hackman Camp Knife." The plastic handles had a bit of "memory" and were under a bit of spring tension when latched closed ... or open ... so that the cheap wire toggle that locked the knife closed wouldn't slip loose.

Nice knife. Wish I could find mine again ...
If I'm remembering it right, it was imported into the US as the "Hackman Camp Knife."

You are probably right, it says "Sorsakoski" in handle, Sorsakoski is a town in Finland and there is a very old factory owned by Hackman.

I had a one of these as a kid, and I think I still have it in toolbox of my old vw...

Moras are made in Sweden and this is Finnish knife.
thanks for the pics, I just ordered the black one from them along with an oval steel striker and flint for a new fire kit I am making...can't wait to get both items!
I had a black no-name one as a kid sold as a fishing knife with scaler and bottle opener. The handle eventually broke from the flipping.

I'd like to own the Mora model but Balisongs are illegal in Canada.