Red, Orange, and Yellow Photons


Newly Enlightened
Jan 29, 2007
I know that Photons in this colour range are claimed to have about 10 times the runtime of the blues, greens, and whites. But the red Freedom I have is so dim it's a pain to use even for reading, which is what I tend to use it for - usually paperback size print for an hour or more at a time in otherwise total darkness. Does anyone have experience to say that the orange or yellow is significantly brighter while keeping the long runtime?
I think the reason why those colors have the longer runtime is that they use a single 2032 battery (a thicker coincell) rather than two 2016 batteries that will drive the other LEDs harder, and have less energy content. I've heard some people have swapped out 2016s for 2032 batteries in the white LEDs and that it's dimmer but has at least 5 times longer runtime. If you have a white one you might try that out, but I wouldn't recommend buying one just to try that.

Also, orange and yellow should be brighter as human vision has a greater sensitivity for those wavelengths than red -- which your eye actually has a fairly low sensitivity for.
Red is not a good wavelength for reading because the eye doesn't have as much sharpness there. Try yellow instead.

The 1 cell Photons do run a lot longer but they're less bright than the 2 cell ones.

The 2 cell ones run for a very long time too, though they get rather dim after a while.

You can run a white-led model on 1 cell (2032) and get long (but dim) runtime. It's still good for reading, you just have to hold it closer to the page.
I recently bought the latest-gen whites and a turquoise.

The turquoise works pretty well for reading, seems plenty bright. Not sure if I buy the bit about it preserving night vision better than red, but... probably. The color, in person, is STRONGLY reminiscent of the screens on some 3rd gen night visions scopes, anyway... more green than real turquoise.

Is preserving your night vision important here? I mean, the new whites make the turquoise look... sort of sad... they're MANY times as bright, and you're certainly going to get the most contrast on the printed page with white light, probably more contrast at a dimmer setting than with any colored LED.

Yeah, red is horrible for reading. I took one backpacking once, and while it was Ok for rummaging around in the pack in the dark without blinding yourself, reading was a chore.
The idea about running a green or white on a 2032 is great - thanks. And I'll consider a yellow light.

Mr Dead - no, preserving my night vision isn't important in this case. But going to sleep is! I find having too many daylight spectrum photons hitting my retina before going to sleep stops me from feeling drowsy. So I use a reading light that isn't white or even blue, and throttle it back.

I would not read with a Red LED - I agree with the other posts here that it's just kind of painful and hard on the eyes.

Best wishes,

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